Baby boy steals jazz show as he picks up mini trumpet and plays with buskers
In New Orleans in 2018, a one-year-old boy became the unexpected star of an annual free music festival, held in the historic French Quarter.
Boone Anthony was visiting from Florida with his parents in early April when he turned his ear to a brass band with particularly impressive energy.
The ensemble, Where Ya At Brass Band, was playing on percussion, sousaphone and trumpet in Jackson Square in the Louisiana city, where they were attracting quite the crowd.
Unable to resist sharing in the musical joy, the one-year-old grabbed his slide whistle and toddled over to the group.

Le couvre-feu, un « coup de grâce » pour le secteur
Témoignages de directeurs d’opéra, de salle de concert et d’orchestre dans les métropoles concernées par le couvre-feu. Tous recherchent des solutions alternatives, notamment avancer les horaires des spectacles.
Une adaptabilité dont fait preuve tout le secteur depuis le début de la crise et qui est ici encore mise au défi. Pour François Bou, directeur général de l’Orchestre national de Lille, « c’est un nouveau coup et j’ai peur que ces mesures rajoutent à l’ambiance anxiogène alors que nous avions réussi à retrouver une dynamique positive avec notre public. »
Mais pour Lille comme pour les autres structures interrogées, il n’est pour autant pas question de « baisser les bras ». A Toulouse, l’Orchestre national du Capitole « doit continuer à jouer, à garder cette relation très forte avec le public », considère le délégué général de l’orchestre, Thierry D’Argoubet.

Curfew, a “coup de grâce” for the sector
Testimonials from opera, concert hall and orchestra directors in metropolises affected by curfew. All of them are looking for alternative solutions, such as bringing the performance schedules forward.
At the Marseilles Opera, director Maurice Xiberras is blaming the curfew. “It’s the coup de grâce. Since last March, we have been reassuring the public, our teams, the musicians, we have been able to ensure the shows up to now without any problem. “An adaptability which the whole sector has shown since the beginning of the crisis and which is still being challenged here.
For François Bou, General Director of the Lille National Orchestra, “it’s a new blow and I’m afraid that these measures will add to the anxiety-provoking atmosphere, whereas we had managed to regain a positive dynamic with our audience. “But for Lille, as for the other structures questioned, there is no question of “giving up”. In Toulouse, the Orchestre National du Capitole “must continue to play, to keep this very strong relationship with the public,” considers the orchestra’s general delegate, Thierry D’Argoubet.
Interims-Gasteig: Münchens neues Kulturkraftwerk
Tausende Münchner fahren täglich am Mittleren Ring direkt am entstehenden Gasteig-Interim vorbei. Die Baustelle gegenüber dem Heizkraftwerk Süd zwischen Brudermühlbrücke und Brudermühltunnel ist aber leider von der Straße kaum sichtbar, und so bemerkt kaum jemand, wie weit der Umbau der denkmalgeschützten Trafohalle und der Neubau der Interimsphilharmonie schon gediehen ist.
Nun wurde acht Monate nach Baubeginn Richtfest gefeiert. Oberbürgermeister Dieter Reiter scherzte, die Baustelle hinter ihm würde in einer anderen Stadt als richtige Philharmonie durchgehen. Tatsächlich hat das Gebäude im Rohzustand wenig von einem Interim, denn aus Brandschutzgründen sind die Wände, anders als ursprünglich vorgesehen, nicht aus Holz, sondern aus Beton.

Interim Gasteig: Munich’s new cultural powerhouse
Every day, thousands of Munich residents drive along the Mittlerer Ring directly past the emerging Gasteig Interim. Unfortunately, the construction site opposite the power plant between the Brudermühlbrücke bridge and the Brudermühltunnel is hardly visible from the street, and so hardly anyone notices how far the conversion of the listed transformer hall and the new construction of the interim philharmonic hall has already progressed.
Now, eight months after the start of construction, the topping-out ceremony has been celebrated. Mayor Dieter Reiter joked that the construction site behind him would pass for a real philharmonic hall in another city. In fact, the building in its raw state has little of an interim, because for fire protection reasons, the walls, unlike originally planned, are not made of wood but of concrete.