Bamberger Symphoniker shortlisted for Gramophone’s 2021 Orchestra of the Year Award

For the fourth consecutive year, the Gramophone Classical Music Awards will be naming an Orchestra of the Year. The only award decided on by public vote, Orchestra of the Year celebrates collaborative music-making at the highest level.
In the footsteps of the Seattle Symphony (2018’s winner), the Hong Kong Philharmonic (2019) and The Philadelphia Orchestra (2020), the contenders for the 2021 Orchestra of the Year Award are:
Academy of Ancient Music (UK)
Accademia Bizantina (Italy)
Bamberger Symphoniker (Germany)
Berliner Philharmoniker (Germany)
The Cleveland Orchestra (USA)
Philharmonia Orchestra (UK)
Orchestre symphonique de Montréal (Canada)
Minnesota Orchestra (USA)
Singapore Symphony Orchestra (Singapore)
Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich (Switzerland)
Cast your vote here. Congratulations Bamberger Symphoniker!!
Gärtnerplatz-Theater: Vertrag des Intendanten verlängert
Josef E. Köpplinger bleibt weiter Intendant des Staatstheaters am Gärtnerplatz in München. Sein Vertrag sei bis Ende August 2027 verlängert worden, sagte Kunstminister Bernd Sibler (CSU) am Donnerstag. Sibler lobte die künstlerischen Erfolge des Österreichers, der das Haus seit 2012 führt: «Durch die gelungene Mischung von klassischen Opernproduktionen, Operetten, modernen Musicals und experimentierfreudigem Tanztheater auf höchstem künstlerischen Niveau genießt das Gärtnerplatztheater große Beliebtheit bei einem breiten Publikum.»

Gärtnerplatz-Theatre: Contract of the artistic director extended
Josef E. Köpplinger will remain artistic director of the Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz in Munich. His contract has been extended until the end of August 2027, said Minister of the Arts Bernd Sibler (CSU) on Thursday. Sibler praised the artistic successes of the Austrian, who has led the theatre since 2012: “Thanks to the successful mix of classical opera productions, operettas, modern musicals and experimental dance theatre at the highest artistic level, the Gärtnerplatztheater enjoys great popularity with a broad audience.”
Mort du compositeur néerlandais Louis Andriessen
Ardent défenseur des courants minimalistes, Louis Andriessen est mort ce jeudi à l’âge de 82 ans.
Il a bousculé, déconstruit, et remodelé les codes de la composition. Louis Andriessen, compositeur néerlandais engagé et avant-gardiste, est mort ce jeudi 1er juillet à l’âge de 82 ans, rapportent de nombreux médias.

Death of Dutch composer Louis Andriessen
Louis Andriessen, an ardent defender of the minimalist movement, died on Thursday at the age of 82.
He challenged, deconstructed and reshaped the codes of composition. Louis Andriessen, a committed and avant-garde Dutch composer, died on Thursday 1 July at the age of 82, according to numerous media reports.