Ensemble Molière Announced as the First New Generation Baroque Ensemble

BBC Radio 3, the National Centre for Early Music (NCEM) and the Royal College of Music (RCM) have announced Ensemble Molièreas the first New Generation Baroque Ensemble from October 2021 for two years.
The new scheme aims to showcase and nurture exceptional UK-based ensembles in the early years of their professional careers working in the baroque sphere. It will support them to new heights of professionalism and artistry over a two-year period using the range of expertise, performance and recording opportunities available through each of the partner organisations.
A new group will join the scheme in 2023 to begin a new two-year programme, helping to encourage UK Baroque ensembles of the future, supporting artists at a critical stage in their careers.
Cate Blanchett und die Dresdner Philharmonie
Ab dem 16. September wird der Konzertsaal im Dresdner Kulturpalast für eine Woche zur Filmkulisse. Die Hauptrolle in der Produktion spielt Cate Blanchett. Der Film wird von Focus Features und Universal Pictures International in Zusammenarbeit mit X Filme International produziert.
Die zweifache Oscar-Preisträgerin Cate Blanchett übernimmt die Hauptrolle in TÁR. Blanchett spielt die erste Frau, die jemals als Chefdirigentin eines großen deutschen Orchesters eingeladen wurde.
Im Film, bei dem der dreimalige Oscar-nominierte Filmemacher Todd Field Regie führt, spielen auch Nina Hoss und Noémie Merlant. Die Filmmusik wird von der Grammy-Gewinnerin Hildur Guðnadóttir komponiert, der ersten weiblichen Komponistin, die einen Oscar, einen Golden Globe und einen BAFTA Award für die beste Filmmusik gewonnen hat.
Cate Blanchett and the Dresden Philharmonic
From the 16th of September, the concert hall in Dresden’s Kulturpalast will become a film set for one week. The production stars Cate Blanchett. The film is produced by Focus Features and Universal Pictures International in cooperation with X Filme International.
Two-time Oscar winner Cate Blanchett takes the lead role in TÁR. Blanchett plays the first woman ever invited to be the principal conductor of a major German orchestra.
The film, directed by three-time Oscar-nominated filmmaker Todd Field, also stars Nina Hoss and Noémie Merlant. The film’s score is composed by Grammy winner Hildur Guðnadóttir, the first female composer to win an Oscar, a Golden Globe and a BAFTA Award for Best Film Score.
La mort du grand chef de chœur suisse Michel Corboz
Révélé au grand public par le label Erato, le musicien féru de musique sacrée, fondateur de l’Ensemble vocal de Lausanne en 1961, laisse une centaine d’enregistrements, dont des versions de référence de Monteverdi et de Bach.
Il fut un temps où le nom de Michel Corboz s’inscrivait naturellement dans le paysage musical européen, une époque florissante où son abondante production discographique, principalement chez Erato (une centaine de disques), notamment dans le répertoire de la musique sacrée, était attendue, espérée.
La disparition du chef d’orchestre et chef de chœur suisse, fondateur du célèbre Ensemble vocal de Lausanne en 1961, décédé le 2 septembre, à l’âge de 87 ans, à la clinique Valmont de Montreux, à la suite d’une opération, a été annoncée par son épouse, Janine Corboz, à l’agence de presse suisse Keystone-ATS.

The Death of the Great Swiss Choral Conductor Michel Corboz
Michel Corboz, who founded the Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne in 1961, was revealed to the general public by the Erato label. He left behind some one hundred recordings, including reference versions of Monteverdi and Bach.
There was a time when the name of Michel Corboz was a natural part of the European musical landscape, a flourishing period when his abundant recording output, mainly on Erato (some one hundred discs), particularly in the sacred music repertoire, was expected and hoped for. The death of the Swiss conductor and choirmaster, founder of the famous Lausanne Vocal Ensemble in 1961, who died on 2 September at the age of 87 in the Valmont Clinic in Montreux following an operation, was announced by his wife, Janine Corboz, to the Swiss news agency Keystone-ATS.
YouTube Music Passes 50 Million Subscribers

When YouTube Music launched its Premium service — then called YouTube Key, if memory serves — back in 2014, people wondered why anyone would pay for what they can get for free, albeit with advertising.
Well, the formula worked for Spotify and it’s apparently working for YouTube as well: Lyor Cohen, the company’s global head of music, announced that the service has passed 50 million subscribers for YouTube Music and its Premium services, including “trialists” — nearly 20 million more than the last time the company revealed its subscribers last October.
While global market leader Spotify still has a healthy lead — its most recent total paid subscribers was around 165 million, announced earlier this year — No. 2 Apple Music may feel YouTube nipping at its heels: Its total, last announced in June of 2019, was 60 million. Amazon Music, No. 3, was at 55 million when the number was last updated in January of 2020, although its service is bundled with the extremely popular Amazon Prime.
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