BBC announces new training scheme for presenting, production and recording
The BBC has launched Open Music, a new training scheme for creatives and musicians to help enhance the BBC Concert Orchestra and BBC Proms’s offerings. Participants will be offered training, masterclasses, hands-on experience and mentoring across four key areas:
- Making music
- Presenting
- Radio and event production
- Sound recording and engineering
They will also be invited to help shape (and possibly perform in) a concert at the 2022 BBC Proms season.

Neue Intendantin von Andermatt Music vorgestellt
Die Dirigentin und Musikwissenschaftlerin Lena-Lisa Wüstendörfer wird neue Intendantin von Andermatt Music. Die gebürtige Züricherin (Jahrgang 1983) und das von ihr gegründete Swiss Orchestra wurden am Sonntag bei einem Konzert in der Andermatter Konzerthalle vorgestellt.
Wüstendörfer übernimmt die Intendanz ab 1. Januar 2022. Ihr Ensemble wird zudem das erste Residenzorchester der Konzerthalle. “Überzeugend versteht sie es wie keine Zweite, musikalische Brücken zu schlagen”, erklärte der Investor und Verwaltungsratspräsident der Andermatt Swiss Alps AG, Samih Sawiris.

New artistic director of Andermatt Music announced
The conductor and musicologist Lena-Lisa Wüstendörfer will be the new director of Andermatt Music. The Zurich-born conductor (1983) and the Swiss Orchestra she founded were introduced on Sunday at a concert in the Andermatt Concert Hall.
Wüstendörfer will take over as artistic director on 1 January 2022, and her ensemble will also become the concert hall’s first resident orchestra. “She knows how to build musical connections like no other,” said the investor and chairman of the board of Andermatt Swiss Alps AG, Samih Sawiris.
La cheffe Glass Marcano nommée à Tours
La jeune vénézuélienne sera Cheffe principale invitée à l’Orchestre Symphonique Région Centre-Val de Loire, au côté du directeur général Laurent Campellone.
La jeune cheffe Glass Marcano, âgée de seulement 24 ans, est nommée Cheffe principale invitée à la tête de l’Orchestre Symphonique Région Centre-Val de Loire, sur proposition de son Directeur général Laurent Campellone et après le vote des musiciens. Elle prendra ses fonctions à partir de janvier 2022 et sera amenée à diriger quatre séries symphoniques par saison.

Conductor Glass Marcano appointed in Tours
The young Venezuelan will be Principal Guest Conductor of the Orchestre Symphonique Région Centre-Val de Loire, alongside the General Director Laurent Campellone.
The young conductor Glass Marcano, aged just 24, has been appointed Principal Guest Conductor of the Orchestre Symphonique Région Centre-Val de Loire, following a proposal by its General Director Laurent Campellone and a vote by the musicians. She will take up her post in January 2022 and will conduct four symphony series per season.