BBC Concert Orchestra relocating to a new location outside the M25
BBC Radio 3 will increase its broadcast hours produced in Salford to over 50%, with a new home for the BBC Concert Orchestra – likely to also be in the North of England.
The BBC has announced further plans to expand its broadcast remit across the UK, with Radio 3 aiming to increase the broadcast hours produced in Salford to over 50% over the next five years. The BBC Concert Orchestra will be relocated to a new city, currently undecided. The BBC has stated that it will be ‘a location outside the M25 bringing live music to underserved areas of England. Discussions are ongoing with a possible location and there will be announcements in due course.’

Bayern stoppt Öffnungsschritte für die Kultur
In Bayern können die angekündigten Öffnungsschritte für den Kulturbereich aufgrund steigender Infektionszahlen nicht in Kraft treten. Die weiteren Lockerungen hätten ab der kommenden Woche unter anderem Theater, Konzertsäle und Kinos, außerdem die Bereiche Sport und Gastronomie betroffen.
Solange die Inzidenz für mindestens zwei Wochen stabil unter 100 Neuinfektionen pro 100.000 Einwohner liegt, war eine Öffnung mit tagesaktuellen Schnell- oder Selbsttests geplant gewesen. Seit Anfang des Monats steigen die 7-Tages-Werte wieder deutlich – in München beispielsweise von 18,5 auf 68,8 innerhalb der letzten beiden Wochen.

Bavaria stops opening steps for culture
In Bavaria, the announced opening measures for the cultural sector cannot come into force due to rising infection numbers. The further opening would have affected theatres, concert halls and cinemas, as well as the sports and gastronomy sectors from next week on.
As long as the incidence remains stable below 100 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants for at least two weeks, an opening with daily rapid or self-tests had been planned. Since the beginning of the month, the 7-day incidence has been rising significantly again – in Munich, for example, from 18.5 to 68.8 within the last two weeks.
Libraires et disquaires pourront bien rester ouverts pendant le confinement
Un décret publié fin février prévoit que livres et enregistrements font désormais partie des biens dits « essentiels ».
Le confinement est de retour dans 16 départements, dont l’ensemble de l’Île-de-France, et avec lui la distinction entre les produits dits « essentiels » et les autres. Mais la France ne rejouera pas le débat pour savoir si les livres sont moins essentiels que le matériel informatique : le « commerce de détail de livres », de même que « d’enregistrements musicaux et vidéos », demeure autorisé sans passer par le click-and-collect, comme l’avait prévu un décret publié au Journal officiel et sur Legifrance fin février.

Book and record shops may remain open during lockdown
A decree published at the end of February stipulates that books and recordings are now part of the so-called “essential” goods.
A lockdown is back in 16 departments, including the whole of the Ile-de-France region, and with it the distinction between so-called “essential” goods and others. But France will not replay the debate on whether books are less essential than computer equipment: “retail trade in books”, as well as “music and video recordings”, remains authorised without going through click-and-collect, as had been foreseen in a decree published in the Journal officiel and on Legifrance at the end of February.