The BBC’s ‘lockdown orchestra’ wants you to play along
The BBC’s orchestras and singers are asking the public to join them for a mass rendition of Candi Staton’s gospel classic You Got The Love. People across the UK are being invited to dust off their instruments and film themselves playing along to the track. Those without musical skills can submit paintings, videos and photos showing their creativity during the lockdown. The results will be edited into a “massive, awe-inspiring” performance, premiering on TV and radio on 14 May. “You don’t have to be a virtuoso, just join in and have a go, and be part of something really special,” said BBC Radio 3’s Katie Derham. Sheet music for You Got The Love is available to download on the BBC’s Get Creative website. A video of the backing track (which you can see at the top of this story) can also be downloaded to play along with.

Kurzarbeits-Regelungen für kommunale Theater und Orchester
Wegen der Corona-Krise gibt es auch in Deutschland für Musiker*innen und Schauspieler*innen Kurzarbeit. Der Deutsche Bühnenverein hat sich auf Arbeitgeberseite mit drei Künstlergewerkschaften auf eine mögliche Einführung von Kurzarbeit geeinigt. Die gilt allerdings nur für kommunale Theater und Orchester. Am Ende der Gespräche sei man zu einer Tarifeinigung gekommen, diese sei angelehnt an den Tarifvertrag zwischen der Vereinigung der kommunalen Arbeitgeberverbände (VKA) und den Gewerkschaften des öffentlichen Dienstes für Beschäftigte kommunaler Betriebe.
Die vom Arbeitgeber zu zahlenden Aufstockungen auf das Kurzarbeitergeld sehen bei niedrigeren Vergütungen mindestens 95 Prozent, bei höheren Vergütungen mindestens 90 Prozent des Nettogehalts vor. Der Tarifvertrag gilt rückwirkend ab 1. April 2020 bis zum Jahresende und schließt betriebsbedingte Kündigungen vorübergehend aus.
Durch diese Maßnahme sollten die Einnahmeausfälle der kommunalen Theater und Orchester während der Corona-Krise kompensiert und die Arbeitsplätze gesichert werden, teilte der Bühnenverein mit

Short-time work regulations for communal theatres and orchestras
Due to the corona crisis, short-time work is available now in Germany for musicians and actors. On the employer’s side, the Deutsche Bühnenverein has agreed with three artist unions on a possible introduction of short-time work. However, this only applies to municipal theaters and orchestras. At the end of the talks, a collective agreement had been reached, based on the collective agreement between the Association of Local Employers’ Associations (VKA) and the public service unions for employees of municipal companies.
Short-time work benefits to be paid by the employer should provide for at least 95 percent of the lower salaries and at least 90 percent of the net salary for higher salaries. The collective agreement applies retrospectively from April 1, 2020 to the end of the year, operational terminations are excluded temporarily.
This measure was intended to compensate for the loss of revenue for the municipal theaters and orchestras during the Corona crisis and to secure jobs, the Bühnenverein said.
Melody Gardot lance un casting mondial pour son album « From Paris with Love » au profit des soignants
Confinée à Paris, Melody Gardot a lancé sur les réseaux sociaux un appel solidaire original et sensible à tous les musiciens du monde. La chanteuse de jazz américaine les invite à la rejoindre pour enregistrer un single exceptionnel au profit du personnel soignant. Comme beaucoup d’autres artistes, confinés depuis le début de la pandémie de coronavirus, Melody Gardot a dû mettre entre parenthèses son activité professionnelle et, notamment, l’enregistrement de son nouvel album entre Los Angeles et Londres. Une situation qui lui a inspiré une initiative personnelle à l’attention des musiciens du monde entier confinés chez eux. Le principe est simple: il s’agit d’organiser un « live casting » digital mondial via les réseaux sociaux pour constituer un orchestre international de cordes et instruments à vent et enregistrer un des titres phare du futur album, « From Paris with Love ».

Melody Gardot launches worldwide casting for her album “From Paris with Love” for the benefit of caregivers
Confined to Paris, Melody Gardot has launched an original and sensitive call for solidarity on social networks to all musicians around the world. The American jazz singer invited them to join her to record an exceptional single for the benefit of healthcare workers. Like many other artists, confined since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, Melody Gardot had to put her professional activity on hold and, in particular, the recording of her new album between Los Angeles and London. A situation that inspired her to take a personal initiative for the attention of musicians around the world confined to their homes. The principle is simple: the idea is to organize a worldwide digital “live casting” via social networks to form an international orchestra of strings and wind instruments and to record one of the key tracks of the future album, “From Paris with Love”.
Ravinia cancels entire 2020 summer season due to coronavirus pandemic
For the first time since 1935, the Ravinia Festival in Highland Park will fall silent. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this summer’s festival has been canceled.
“There’s not going to be any Ravinia 2020,” said Ravinia President and CEO Welz Kauffman in an interview Thursday afternoon.
In particular, Kauffman grieved for several special events that were to have occurred this summer, including Marin Alsop’s first appearance as Ravinia’s chief conductor and curator, a position created for her. Also lost: commemorations of violinist Isaac Stern’s 100th birthday; a third season celebrating the legacy of Leonard Bernstein, including a rare performance of his “White House Cantata”; and several events marking the centennial of the Constitution’s 19th Amendment, which secured women’s right to vote. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s Ravinia season, from July 10-Aug. 16, also will not happen.