
9th April: BBC Proms Announcement Delayed, European School Music Prize 2020, The Paris Opera launches Aria

Thursday 9th April 2020

BBC Proms Season Announcement Delayed

Organisers of the BBC Proms are still hoping to present a programme this summer although they say “that will involve adapting and changing the festival we originally planned”.

In a statement, BBC Proms said it was delaying the announcement of the season, something which usually happens in mid-April. Publication of the Official Proms Guide and the sale of tickets is also being delayed. An update will be given by the end of May.

Their statement reads:

Europäischer Schulmusikpreis 2020

Der Europäische Schulmusikpreis (ESP) der Society of Music Merchants e.V. (SOMM) geht in diesem Jahr an die Georg-Hartmann-Realschule Forchheim. Die Jury überzeugte das Lernkonzept, in welchem durch Lernvideos das Lernen selbst gesteuert wird: Instrumentale Kompetenzen könnten selbstständig erlernt und im Zusammenspiel mit anderen Schülern angewendet werden. Vor allem während der Coronakrise sei dies wegweisend: Musikunterricht “führt nicht nur zu besseren schulischen Noten insgesamt und einer höheren Sozialkompetenz, […] selber aktiv zu musizieren, macht einfach auch Freude und verbindet über alle Grenzen”, so SOMM-Geschäftsführer Daniel Knöll. Das Konzept der Georg-Hartmann-Realschule zeige auf, dass mit den richtigen Methoden auch in schwierigen Zeiten guter Schulmusikunterricht möglich sei. Das Preisgeld beträgt 4.000 Euro, die Preise der anderen Kategorien werden in diesem Jahr nicht vergeben.

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European School Music Prize 2020

The European School Music Prize (ESP) of the Society of Music Merchants (SOMM) goes this year to the Georg-Hartmann-Realschule Forchheim. The jury was convinced by the learning concept, in which learning is controlled by learning videos: Instrumental skills could be learned independently and applied in interaction with other students. Especially during the Corona crisis, this is groundbreaking: “Music lessons not only lead to better grades in school and a higher level of social competence, […] making music actively yourself is also fun and connects people across all borders,” says SOMM Managing Director Daniel Knöll. The concept of the Georg-Hartmann-Realschule shows that with the right methods, good school music instruction is possible even in difficult times. The prize money amounts to 4,000 euros; the prizes in the other categories will not be awarded this year.

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L’Opéra de Paris lance Aria, une application mobile sur l’art lyrique et la danse

L’Opéra National de Paris lance « Aria », son site mobile de vulgarisation de l’opéra et de la danse. L’application sera accessible dès le 9 avril en français et en anglais, dans le monde entier, sur téléphones portables et tablettes. Aria a « L’ambition d’être une fenêtre digitale, interactive, ludique sur le monde de l’opéra et du ballet ». Quelle est la différence entre un baryton et un ténor ? Que fait exactement un chef d’orchestre ? Que veut dire « tessiture » ? C’est le genre de questions auxquelles répondra Aria qui se veut une mini-encyclopédie censée donner les clés d’un art lyrique souvent jugé élitiste. Un peu à la manière de certains ouvrages didactiques, mais en version interactive.

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The Paris Opera launches Aria, a mobile application on lyric art and dance

The Opéra National de Paris launches “Aria”, its mobile site for the popularisation of opera and dance. The application will be accessible from 9 April in French and English, worldwide, on mobile phones and tablets. Aria’s ambition is “to be a digital, interactive and fun window on the world of opera and ballet”. What is the difference between a baritone and a tenor? What exactly does a conductor do? What does “tessitura” mean? These are the kind of questions Aria will answer. She is a mini-encyclopedia that is supposed to give the keys to a lyric art often considered elitist. A bit like some didactic works, but in an interactive version.

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