
27th May: BBC Proms unveils 2021 season, Entertainment industry receives 2.5 billion euros, Rachmaninoff Conservatory under pressure

Thursday 27th May 2021

BBC Proms unveils 2021 season

The BBC Proms has unveiled a summer season of 52 concerts across 44 days, with audiences being welcomed back into the Royal Albert Hall.

With international travel for musicians still subject to challenges and checks the season has a strong focus on British ensembles and artists, with some of the UK’s most admired soloists and conductors scheduled to appear, including violinist Nicola Benedetti, singers Karen Cargill, Lucy Crowe, Sally Matthews, Christine Rice and Roderick Williams, conductors Sir Mark Elder, Sir John Eliot Gardiner, John Wilson and Sir Simon Rattle, pianist Benjamin Grosvenor and cellist Steven Isserlis, while one concert will feature the Kanneh-Mason siblings.

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Veranstaltungsbranche erhält 2,5 Milliarden Euro

Mit Finanzhilfen von bis zu 2,5 Milliarden Euro will der Bund der durch die Corona-Pandemie lahmgelegten Kultur-Branche beim Durchstarten helfen. Die Bundesregierung beschloss am Mittwoch einen entsprechenden Kulturfonds, der eine Ausfallversicherung für abgesagte Großveranstaltungen und Ticket-Zuschläge für Veranstaltungen mit reduziertem Publikum vorsieht.

“Damit stellen wir sicher, dass bald wieder Theateraufführungen, Konzerte, Lesungen und Kino-Vorstellungen stattfinden können”, sagte Finanzminister Olaf Scholz (SPD). Kultur-Staatsministerin Monika Grütters (CDU) sprach von einem notwendigen Signal der Zuversicht: “Das ist wirklich ein Geschenk an die Kultur in ganz Deutschland.” Die Umsetzung liege nun bei den Ländern.

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Entertainment industry receives 2.5 billion euros

With a financial aid of up to 2.5 billion euros, the Government wants to help the cultural sector, which has been paralysed over the past months by the Corona pandemic. On Wednesday, the federal government approved a respective cultural fund, providing a cancellation insurance for cancelled events and ticket supplements for events with reduced audiences.

“This will ensure that theatre performances, concerts, readings and cinema screenings will soon be held again,” said Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD). Minister for Culture Monika Grütters (CDU) called it a necessary signal of confidence: “This is truly a gift to the cultural sector throughout Germany.” The implementation is now up to the federal states.

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Le Conservatoire Rachmaninoff menacé

Le Conservatoire Russe de Paris Rachmaninoff a été créé en 1923 par d’anciens professeurs des conservatoires impériaux de Russie, émigrés à Paris après la révolution de 1917 et Serge Rachmaninoff en fut le 1er président d’honneur.

La ville de Paris envisagerait de vendre le bâtiment qui abrite dans le XVIè arrondissement le Conservatoire Rachmaninoff depuis 1932. Une pétition a été lancée par le comité de soutien artistique de l’institution composé d’artistes, de personnalités et de mécènes du monde des arts et de la culture pour tenter d’empêcher la vente de ce lieu historique.

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Rachmaninoff Conservatory under pressure

The Rachmaninoff Russian Conservatory of Paris was founded in 1923 by former professors of the Imperial Conservatories of Russia, who emigrated to Paris after the 1917 revolution. Serge Rachmaninoff was its first honorary president.

The city of Paris is now considering selling the building in the 16th arrondissement, which has been home to the Rachmaninoff Conservatory since 1932. A petition has been launched by the institution’s artistic support committee, consisting of artists, personalities and patrons from the world of arts and culture, in an attempt to prevent the sale of this historic place.

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