
17th March: BBC Radio 3 launches new show, Lockdown and classical music, Music Council demands temporary basic income

Tuesday 17th March 2020

BBC Radio 3 launches new show with Extra time for new releases

BBC Radio 3 is launching a new show that will allocate more time to new releases, Music Week can reveal.
The programme, a spin-off of popular Saturday fixture Record Review, will air on Sunday nights from April.
Record Review Extra will be presented by broadcaster and flautist Hannah French and will mean there is now more space on air to play music from new releases.
“Record Review is one of most popular programmes where we look at the wealth of new releases that are coming out,” controller Alan Davey explained. “So on Sunday nights we’ll go in-depth and play more from the new releases.”

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Après le confinement, la musique classique vit sur internet

Confinement oblige, c’est chez soi, à distance, que l’on peut continuer d’écouter et voir de la musique classique. Radio Classique continue de vous accompagner chaque jour. Streaming en direct, diffusion d’anciens concerts ou productions d’opéra sur les applications, les plateformes, les réseaux sociaux, à la télévision ou à la radio mais aussi des initiatives individuelles d’artistes se multiplient. Joyce DiDonato a chanté en direct sur Instagram, le violoniste Renaud Capuçon a tweeté dimanche une vidéo de lui jouant une mélodie de Dvorak à l’aide de l’application NomadPlay

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After the lockdown, classical music lives on the internet

Confinement obliges, it is at home, at a distance, that one can continue to listen to and see classical music. Radio Classique continues to accompany you every day. Live streaming, broadcasting of old concerts or opera productions on applications, platforms, social networks, television or radio, but also individual initiatives of artists are multiplying. Joyce DiDonato sang live on Instagram, the violinist Renaud Capuçon tweeted a video of him playing a Dvorak melody on Sunday using the NomadPlay application …

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Musikrat fordert befristetes Grundeinkommen

Der Deutsche Musikrat (DMR) fordert ein auf sechs Monate befristetes Grundeinkommen in Höhe von 1.000 Euro für alle freiberuflichen Kreativschaffenden. Bei einem laut Künstlersozialkasse durchschnittlichen Bruttojahreseinkommen von 13.000 Euro hätten Betroffene keinen Spielraum für Rücklagen, erklärte Generalsekretär Christian Höppner am Montag. Der Musikrat begrüße die Erklärung von Kulturstaatsministerin Monika Grütters (CDU), die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft angesichts der Coronakrise massiv zu unterstützen. Entscheidend sein, “dass jetzt rasch und ohne bürokratischen Aufwand geholfen werden kann.”

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Music Council demands temporary basic income

The German Music Council (DMR) is calling for a basic income of 1,000 euros, limited to six months, for all freelance creative workers. With an average annual gross income of 13,000 euros according to the artists’ social security fund, those affected would have no room for savings, Secretary-General Christian Höppner explained on Monday. The Music Council welcomed the statement by Minister of State for Culture Monika Grütters (CDU) to massively support the cultural and creative industries in view of the Corona crisis. The decisive factor is “that help can now be provided quickly and without bureaucratic burdens”.

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