Classical Music Magazine
BBC Young Musician 2014: 17-year-old pianist Martin James Bartlett
Pianist Martin James Bartlett is the winner of the BBC Young Musician 2014 competition, which took place at Edinburgh’s Usher Hall on 18 May. The 17-year-old from Essex won the prestigious award with a consummate performance of Rachmaninoff’s Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini performed live with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Kirill Karabits.
Education cuts mean classical music will be the preserve of the wealthy
On Sunday judges chose a new Young Musician of the Year. Mark Simpson, the only state-school educated winner in the contest’s history, argues cuts will ensure he remains so
The Telegraph
Playing a violin strung with human hair
A remarkable video has emerged from Lithuania of a musician playing a violin which is strung with human hair. Tadas Maksimovas came up with the idea of using his own long hair as strings to promote Street Musicians’ Day.
The Independent
Radio 3’s Clemency Burton-Hill defends ‘classical music for all’ policy against elitists
She is the Radio 3 breakfast presenter whose chatty style has won a new audience yet infuriated classical music purists. But Clemency Burton-Hill has defended her inclusive approach, telling the high culture “gatekeepers” that it’s time to come down from their ivory towers.
Classic FM Online
Sword swallower makes opera debut after near-fatal accident with neon tube
Circus performer Hannibal Clem is set to appear at English National Opera tonight, two years after accidentally tearing his oesophagus live on stage.
New York Times
Birds Aren’t the Only Music Amid Nature
A listing of summer classical music festivals around the country.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Zum Siebzigsten von Justus Frantz: Musik muss man möglich machen
Er gründete das „Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival“ und konnte Leonard Bernstein dafür begeistern. Hinter seinem Wirken als Musikmanager trat das als Musiker mitunter in den Hintergrund. Dem Pianisten, Dirigenten und Organisator Justus Frantz zum Siebzigsten.
Opernsänger Nicola Ghiuselev ist tot
Bulgarischer Bass wurde 77 Jahre alt
Klassik Heute
Königin Elizabeth II. ist Schirmherrin des Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festivals
Königin Elizabeth II. übernimmt die Schirmherrschaft für das Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival 2014. Das gab Ministerpräsident Torsten Albig am Freitag in Kiel bekannt.
Classical Music on Twitter
Guildhall School @guildhallschool Congrats to Simon Fischer, awarded 2014 European String Teachers’ Assoc award ‘in celebration of a lifetime contribution to string teaching’
Tim Benjamin @timthecomposer Should I start a new music ensemble”, an excellent question, examined well by @NewMusicBox:
Music Education UK @MusicEdUK BBC announces details of new classical music and creativity project for Primary schools
Classical Music Magazine @ClassicalMusic_ Classical music of the highest standards will become “their” music and not “our music” #musiced #bbcym2014
Louise Jury @Louise_Jury More than 110,000 tickets sold on first day of booking for #bbcproms Who says classical music is dead?

Classical Music Magazine