Classical News
In today’s news: conductor Bernard Haitink awarded highest Dutch civil honour, and thousands urge council to reject proposals to scrap music tutors in Aberdeen. Famous US festival takes place in Berlin concert hall, and there’s a new record of candidates for Richard Strauss competition. Composers Márta and György Kurtág receive this year’s Borletti-Buitoni Trust Award, the European Union Baroque Orchestra quits Britain over Brexit migration clampdown, and a classical lover’s guide to the Oscars
Music Business Worldwide
Are the Major Labels in Danger of Turning Music Streaming into a Monopoly Owned by Apple?
While streaming services are losing millions of dollars, artists and songwriters are fighting to get compensated fairly for creating the songs that make those services popular. The rates paid per stream remain fractions of pennies.
The Violin Channel
Conductor Bernard Haitink Appointed Highest Dutch Civil Honour
Conductor Bernard Haitink has been appointed a ‘Commander of the Order of the Netherlands’ – the country’s oldest and most distinguished civil order
Der Tagesspiegel
Start des USA-Festivals im Konzerthaus des Berliner Gendarmenmarkt
Schmelztiegel-Kultur: Gershwin und Bernstein zum Auftakt des zehntägigen USA-Festivals im Konzerthaus.
Neuer Rekord an Bewerbungen beim Richard-Strauss-Wettbewerb 2017
Für den diesjährigen Richard-Strauss-Gesangswettbewerb sind 78 Bewerbungen eingegangen.
Komponist György Kurtág und Ehefrau Márta erhalten Preis des Borletti-Buitoni Trust
Der ungarische Komponist György Kurtág ist zusammen mit seiner Ehefrau Márta Preisträger des diesjährigen Borletti-Buitoni Trust Award.
The Guardian
Top orchestra quits Britain over Brexit migration clampdown
One of Britain’s most successful orchestras is moving to Belgium amid fears that its musicians may be among the victims of a post-Brexit crackdown on immigration.
A Classical Lover’s Guide to the Oscars
Music and movies are inseparable – Of all the big four media awards, it’s arguably the Oscars that have the closest connection with classical music.
Music History @today_classical #Today in 1897 Birth of German #composer Johannes #Weyrauch #MusicHistory #classicalmusic @klassikcom Petition gegen Kürzungspläne bei der Norddeutschen Philharmonie Rostock #Kulturpolitik #Orchester #Kulturmanagement

The Chamber Orchestra of Europe. Credit: