Bernardi Music Group String Academy For Young Musicians

The Sussex-based Bernardi Music Group has announced it will continue its String Academy, offering the opportunity for select young musicians to perform at the 21st anniversary of the Shipley Arts Festival.
Founded by leading violinist and string educationalist Andrew Bernardi in 1989, the Bernardi Music Group aims to support charitable causes while inspiring people to connect across the globe through music and education.
Their year-round String Academy education programme sees British students be taught by highly regarded string players. As part of the scheme, young musicians get the opportunity to play with the Bernardi Music Group (BMG) at festivals and concerts, including this year’s 21st anniversary of the Shipley Arts Festival.
Von Nürnberg Nach Berlin
Joana Mallwitz wird Chefdirigentin am Konzerthaus Berlin. Die 34-Jährige wird die künstlerische Leitung ab der Saison 2023/24 für zunächst fünf Spielzeiten übernehmen.
Das teilten Konzerthaus und Kulturverwaltung mit. Mallwitz ist derzeit Generalmusikdirektorin an der Staatsphilharmonie Nürnberg. Vor einem Monat hatte sie bekanntgegeben, ihren Vertrag in Nürnberg nach Ende der Spielzeit 2022/23 nicht verlängern zu wollen.
Joana Mallwitz wird beim Konzerthausorchester Nachfolgerin von Christoph Eschenbach. Sie ist die erste Dirigentin in dieser Position.

From Nuremberg to Berlin
Joana Mallwitz is to become the chief conductor at the Konzerthaus Berlin. The 34-year-old will take over the artistic direction from the 2023/24 season for an initial five seasons.
This was announced by the Konzerthaus and the cultural administration. Mallwitz is currently the general music director at the Nuremberg State Philharmonic. A month ago, she announced that she would not renew her contract in Nuremberg after the end of the 2022/23 season.
Joana Mallwitz will succeed Christoph Eschenbach at the Konzerthausorchester. She is the first female conductor in this position.
Alice Orange quitte la direction artistique du festival de Sablé
Après dix ans à la tête de l’événement spécialisé dans la musique ancienne, la directrice artistique part vers de nouveaux horizons, non sans avoir imprimé sa marque.
Pianiste de formation, c’est au Théâtre du Château à Eu (Normandie) qu’Alice Orange s’était véritablement familiarisée avec le théâtre et la musique baroques. En 2011, elle succède à Jean-Bernard Meunier, fondateur et directeur artistique du Festival de Sablé. Dix ans plus tard, elle tire sa révérence après la 42e édition de l’événement.

Alice Orange Leaves the Artistic Direction of the Sablé Festival
After ten years at the head of the event specialising in early music, the artistic director is leaving for new horizons, but not without having made her mark.
A pianist by training, it was at the Théâtre du Château in Eu (Normandy) that Alice Orange really got to grips with baroque theatre and music. In 2011, she succeeded Jean-Bernard Meunier, founder and artistic director of the Sablé Festival. Ten years later, she is taking her leave after the 42nd edition of the event.
LA Phil Names Dudamel Fellows, 2021-22
Four conductors will take part in the Los Angeles Philharmonic 2021-22 Dudamel Fellowship Program. The Fellows-François López-Ferrer, Chloé van Soeterstède, Camilo Téllez, and Enluis Montes Olivar-will work with Dudamel and the LA Phil’s musicians, guest artists and conductors, and students in key orchestra learning programs. They will also function as cover conductors and lead concerts themselves.
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