
22nd May: Blackheath Conservatoire takes teaching online, Arte Concert launches the festival season online, Choral singing carries high health risk

Friday 22nd May 2020

Blackheath Conservatoire takes teaching online

South London’s Blackheath Conservatoire has taken its teaching online since lockdown began, offering interactive Zoom classes and on-demand YouTube box sets.
Clare Cornwell, interim CEO at the Conservatoire, said: ‘We usually have 2000 people a week attending classes here in art, music and drama, from babies through to retirees, so closing our doors meant we had to adjust to survive.
‘Our brilliant tutors have risen to the challenge and transformed their courses online. They’re still the high-quality classes they’ve always been, but they are now ideal for lockdown and beyond.’

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Face aux annulations, Arte Concert lance la saison des festivals en ligne

Dans le monde d’avant, le joli mois de mai sonnait le coup d’envoi de la saison des festivals français. Électro, metal, rock, jazz, baroque… pas de jaloux. Jusqu’au bout de l’été, les mélomanes de tous bords pouvaient danser les bras levés à Lyon, pogoter à Clisson ou s’étourdir d’art lyrique en Provence. Ils jouissaient encore du goût de la liberté.

Dans le monde d’après, les écrans ont remplacé la scène. Pour faire face aux annulations et reports en cascade des grands festivals, dus à l’interdiction des manifestations de plus de cinq mille personnes jusqu’en septembre, Arte Concert diffuse un florilège de ses captations emblématiques et réinvente le live en ligne. Ou l’art de soutenir les artistes depuis son canapé…

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Faced with cancellations, Arte Concert launches the festival season online

In the old world, the beautiful month of May was the kick-off of the French festival season. Electro, metal, rock, jazz, baroque… no jealousy. Until the end of the summer, music lovers of all stripes could dance with raised arms in Lyon, dance in Clisson or get dizzy with lyrical art in Provence. They still enjoyed the taste of freedom.

In the next world, screens replaced the stage. In order to cope with the cancellation and postponement of major festivals, due to the ban on events with more than five thousand people until September, Arte Concert broadcasts an anthology of its emblematic recordings and reinvents live online. Or the art of supporting artists from your sofa…

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Choral singing carries high health risk during pandemic, scientists say

“One in six Americans over age 18 sings in a chorus … and if any of them were looking for a glimmer of good news in a recent webinar assembled by [Chorus America] and others, their hopes were likely dashed,” writes Peter Dobrin in Monday’s (5/18) Philadelphia Inquirer. “The ability for choirs to safely gather could be as far off as two years, experts said early this month in ‘A Conversation: What Do Science and Data Say About the Near-Term Future of Singing?’ [After] a Washington State choir [rehearsal] in March attended by 61 choristers, including a single symptomatic member, 87% of the group developed COVID-19, according to a CDC report released Tuesday. Two members died. The problem stems from the proximity of singers, and the fact that the very act of singing propels viral droplets….

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