
5th January: Exam board drops only black composer, No relaxation for cultural events in Austria, Barenboim to conduct next New Year’s Concert

Tuesday 5th January 2021

Exam board drops only black composer from music A-level syllabus

The only black composer has been dropped from the syllabus of a popular A-level music exam from next year, along with the study of jazz, because of course changes demanded by the coronavirus crisis, according to the examination board involved.

Pearson Edexcel defended its decision to axe the work of the British jazz saxophonist Courtney Pine along with five others, including the Oscar-winning British composer Rachel Portman, because of “feedback from teachers that the volume of work was too high and needed accelerated change in the light of the Covid-19 pandemic”.

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Österreich: Keine Lockerungen für Kultur-Veranstaltungen

Der Lockdown in Österreich und damit einhergehende Beschränkungen im Kulturbetrieb wird nicht vorzeitig gelockert. Der ursprüngliche Plan der Regierung, bereits ab Mitte des Monats Corona-Tests durchzuführen und für negativ getestete Personen das gesellschaftliche Leben wieder zu normalisieren, ist fehlgeschlagen.

Der Opposition war die Idee zu wenig spezifiziert, außerdem werden die derzeitigen Infektionszahlen noch als zu hoch empfunden. Somit bleibt weitestgehend alles geschlossen, unter anderem die Kultureinrichtungen.

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Austria: No relaxation for cultural events

The lockdown in Austria and the accompanying restrictions on cultural events will not be eased ahead of time. The government’s original plan to carry out Corona tests as early as the middle of the month and to return social life to normal for people who tested negative has failed.

For the opposition, the idea was not specified enough, and in addition, the current infection figures are still considered too high. Thus, everything remains largely closed, including cultural institutions.

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Daniel Barenboim dirigera le prochain Concert du Nouvel An

Le traditionnel Concert du Nouvel An de l’Orchestre philharmonique de Vienne avait cette année une saveur particulière, puisqu’il était pour la première fois présenté sans public, en raison évidemment des restrictions liées à la crise sanitaire. Riccardo Muti, qui était au pupitre, aura pour successeur le 1er janvier 2022 un autre vétéran de la direction d’orchestre : Daniel Barenboim.

Daniel Barenboim occupe une place extraordinaire dans l’histoire de l’Orchestre philharmonique de Vienne, a fait valoir le management de l’illustre phalange. Nous avons non seulement entretenu avec lui un partenariat artistique long et fructueux, mais aussi une grande amitié.

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Daniel Barenboim will conduct the next New Year’s Concert

The traditional New Year’s Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra had a special flavour this year, as it was presented for the first time without an audience, obviously due to restrictions caused by the health crisis. Riccardo Muti, who was at the lectern, will be succeeded on 1 January 2022 by another veteran conductor: Daniel Barenboim.

Daniel Barenboim occupies an extraordinary place in the history of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra,” said the management of the illustrious phalanx. We have not only maintained a long and fruitful artistic partnership with him, but also a great friendship.

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