Proms row: Johnson calls for end to ‘cringing embarrassment’ over UK history
Boris Johnson has said the UK should stop “our cringing embarrassment about our history” and sing Rule, Britannia! at the Last Night of the Proms, as BBC insiders fear the broadcaster is being dragged into a divisive culture war issue designed to undermine it.
“If it is correct, which I cannot believe that it really is, but if it is correct, that the BBC is saying that they will not sing the words of Land Of Hope And Glory or Rule, Britannia! as they traditionally do at the end of The Last Night of The Proms,” said the prime minister, “I think it’s time we stopped our cringing embarrassment about our history, about our traditions, and about our culture, and we stopped this general fight of self-recrimination and wetness. I wanted to get that off my chest.
”The row was prompted by a report in the Sunday Times that Rule, Britannia! and Land of Hope And Glory could be dropped completely from the line-up of the annual classical music event, in the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests because of concerns about their strong association with imperialism and the lyric “Britons never shall be slaves”.

Pianist Josef Bulva gestorben
Geboren 1943 im mährischen Brünn, wurde er schon in den 1950er Jahren als Wunderkind am Klavier gefeiert. Bald schon galt er als Star und willkommenes Aushängeschild und später war er sogenannter Staatssolist der früheren Tschechoslowakischen Sozialistischen Republik. 1971 wurde seine rege Konzert- und Aufnahmetätigkeit durch einen schweren Unfall abrupt beendet: Er zog sich 54 Knochenbrüche zu, die ihn acht Monate in ein Gipskorsett zwangen.
Nach seiner Genesung floh er 1972 in den Westen und ließ sich zunächst in München nieder. Darauf nahm seine Karriere international Fahrt auf; Steinway verlieh ihm das Attribut „Pianist unter den Pianisten”. 1996 ereignete sich der nächste Unfall: Bei einem Sturz verletzte er seine linke Hand so schwer, dass seine pianistische Laufbahn als beendet galt.
Er zog sich aus dem musikalischen Leben zurück, gab aber das Klavierspiel nie auf. Nach mehreren chirurgischen Eingriffen und hartem Koordinationstraining erlangte er seine Spielfähigkeit wieder. Im Herbst 2010 kehrte Josef Bulva mit einer großen Konzert-Tournee auf die Bühne zurück.
Seitdem nahm er zwei weitere CDs auf, produzierte eine DVD und trat im Fernsehen auf. Er konnte aber nicht mehr an seinen früheren Erfolg knüpfen. Am 12. August 2020 starb Josef Bulva in seiner Wahlheimat Monaco im Alter von 77 Jahren.

Pianist Josef Bulva has died
Born in Brno, Moravia, in 1943, he was already celebrated as a piano prodigy in the 1950s. Soon he was considered a star and welcome figurehead and later he was the so-called state soloist of the former Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. In 1971 his busy concert and recording activities were abruptly ended by a serious accident: He suffered 54 broken bones, which forced him into a plaster corset for eight months.
After his recovery, he fled to the West in 1972 and initially settled in Munich. His career then took off internationally; Steinway awarded him the attribute “pianist among pianists”. The next accident occurred in 1996: in a fall he injured his left hand so badly that his pianistic career was considered to be over.
He withdrew from musical life, but never gave up playing the piano. After several surgical operations and hard coordination training, he regained his ability to play. In autumn 2010 Josef Bulva returned to the stage with a major concert tour.
Since then he has recorded two more CDs, produced a DVD and appeared on television. However, he was not able to tie in with his earlier success. On 12 August 2020 Josef Bulva died in his chosen home Monaco at the age of 77.
Ce qu’il faut retenir des annonces de Jean Castex ce mercredi matin
Rentrée médiatique ce mercredi pour Jean Castex. Le Premier ministre était ce matin l’invité de la matinale de France Inter. Il a notamment annoncé que le plan de relance de l’économie, d’un montant de 100 milliards d’euros, serait présenté finalement le 3 septembre. Deux milliards iront au monde de la culture.
Les principales annonces du Premier ministre:
– Le plan de relance sera annoncé le 3 septembre
– 2 milliards y seront consacrés à la culture
– L’obligation du port du masque va devenir la règle dans les cinémas et les salles de spectacle
– Les dérogations à la jauge de 5.000 personnes pour les rassemblements ne seront plus possibles dans les départements classés rouges. Cette jauge pourra être à nouveau baissée.
– Un reconfinement pourrait intervenir « au cas par cas, si nécessaire »
– 550 emplois supplémentaires vont être créés au ministère de la Justice

What to remember about Jean Castex’s announcements this Wednesday morning
Jean Castex is back in the media this Wednesday. The Prime Minister was this morning the guest of France Inter. He notably announced that the 100 billion euro economic recovery plan would finally be presented on 3 September. Two billion will go to the world of culture.
The Prime Minister’s main announcements:
– The recovery plan will be announced on 3 September
– 2 billion will be devoted to culture
– The obligation to wear a mask will become the rule in cinemas and theatres.
– Exemptions to the 5,000-person gauge for gatherings will no longer be possible in departments classified as red. This gauge may be lowered again.
– A reconfinement could take place “on a case-by-case basis, if necessary”.
– 550 additional jobs will be created at the Ministry of Justice