BOZAR damaged by large fire
The Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels (BOZAR) has been damaged after a large fire.
The fire started on the centre’s roof on Monday afternoon. Around 100 firefighters worked to contain the blaze, with the fire extinguished later that day. No one was injured.
Henry Le Boeuf Hall, which was situated under the part of the roof that caught fire, has been damaged. BOZAR’s organ, which was recently restored, is also said to have been damaged.

Tage der Chor- und Orchestermusik erstmals im Sommer
Die Tage der Chor- und Orchestermusik (TCOM) werden in diesem Jahr erstmals im Sommer veranstaltet. Das Amateurmusik-Festival soll vom 27. bis 29. August 2021 in der Stadt Rheine (Nordrhein-Westfalen) stattfinden, teilte der Bundesmusikverband Chor & Orchester (BMCO) mit. Damit reagiere man auf das aktuelle Corona-Infektionsgeschehen.
Traditionell findet das Festival jeweils drei Wochen vor Ostern statt. Wegen der unsicheren Wetterlage in dieser Jahreszeit werden Konzerte nur in geschlossenen Räumen geplant. Eine Verschiebung in den Sommer eröffne die Möglichkeit, viele Veranstaltungen unter freiem Himmel durchzuführen, hieß es.

Days of choral and orchestral music for the first time in summer
The Days of Choral and Orchestral Music (TCOM) will be held in the summer for the first time this year. The amateur music festival will take place from 27 to 29 August 2021 in the city of Rheine (North Rhine-Westphalia), the Federal Music Association Choir & Orchestra (BMCO) announced. This is a reaction to the current Corona infection.
Traditionally, the festival takes place three weeks before Easter. Due to the uncertain weather conditions at this time of year, concerts are only planned indoors. A shift to the summer would open up the possibility of holding many events outdoors, they said. In spring, the organisers want to present a new festival concept.
Le Quatuor Ebène va animer une formation en musique de chambre à Munich
L’ensemble français sera bientôt en résidence dans un des plus prestigieux conservatoires d’Allemagne. Une reconnaissance en forme de consécration pour notre dynamique école de quatuor à cordes.
Après une année 2020 tout entière consacrée à Beethoven, c’est un double retour qu’effectue le Quatuor Ebène : à Munich, où la formation avait remporté en 2004 le 1er prix du Concours international de musique de l’ARD ; et auprès du violoniste Eberhard Feltz, éminent pédagogue qui fut leur mentor, avec qui ils vont désormais travailler au sein d’un pôle d’excellence dans la formation en musique de chambre, dans un des plus prestigieux conservatoires d’Allemagne (la Hochschule für Musik und Theater München).

The Ebene Quartet will lead a chamber music group in Munich
The French ensemble will soon be in residence at one of the most prestigious conservatories in Germany. A recognition in the form of consecration for our dynamic string quartet school.
After a whole year 2020 devoted to Beethoven, the Ebene Quartet is making another return: in Munich, where the group won first prize at the ARD International Music Competition in 2004; and with the violinist Eberhard Feltz, an eminent pedagogue who was their mentor, with whom they will now work in a centre of excellence in chamber music training, in one of the most prestigious conservatories in Germany (the Hochschule für Musik und Theater München).