
13th December: BPI Reacts to Election, Beethovenhalle delayed, Verdi 2019 breaks records

Friday 13th December 2019

BPI Reacts to Election Result

Following a landslide victory for the Conservatives, the BPI’s chief executive Geoff Taylor urges the government to deliver a trade deal with the EU that ‘boosts’ UK music exports.

Boris Johnson’s Conservative party has won 364 seats achieving a 43.6 percent share of the vote thus securing a definitive majority, following a campaign centred on the pledge to ‘get Brexit done’.

Meanwhile, the BPI has responded to the result by congratulating the new administration and calling on the incoming government to support and promote music creators in a post-Brexit landscape.

Geoff Taylor, chief executive BPI & BRIT Awards, says: ‘This clear result should help move the country beyond the Brexit impasse and provide the UK with a much-needed period of political stability. We hope the Government will use this platform to deliver a trade deal with the EU that minimises barriers to trade, including simple travel arrangements for UK performers, and new trade deals with third countries to boost our music exports.

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Sanierung der Bonner Beethovenhalle wohl bis 2024

Bonn/Berlin (MH) – Die Sanierung der Beethovenhalle in Bonn verzögert sich weiter. Die Stadtverwaltung stellte eine Prognose vor, nach der die denkmalgeschützte Halle nach der Sommerpause 2024 den Betrieb wieder aufnehmen könnte. Es gebe aber noch keinen mit allen Beteiligten abgestimmten Terminplan, sagte Oberbürgermeister Ashok Sridharan (CDU). “Wir rechnen damit, die Terminplanung im März 2020 vorlegen zu können”, fügte Projektleiter Wolfgang Fuchs hinzu.

Die Terminplanung solle nicht zu viele ungeprüfte Faktoren enthalten. “Ziel ist es, auch dabei alle Risiken einzukalkulieren, wie wir es bei den Kosten getan haben”, so Fuchs. Die Sanierungskosten bewegen sich nach derzeitigem Stand zwischen 137 Millionen Euro und 166 Millionen Euro.

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Renovation of the Beethovenhalle in Bonn probably by 2024

Bonn/Berlin (MH) – The renovation of the Beethovenhalle in Bonn is still delayed. The city administration presented a forecast according to which the listed hall could resume operation after the 2024 summer break. However, there is still no timetable agreed with all participants, said Lord Mayor Ashok Sridharan (CDU). “We expect to be able to present the schedule in March 2020,” added project manager Wolfgang Fuchs.

The scheduling should not contain too many unchecked factors. “The aim is to take all risks into account, just as we have done with costs,” says Fuchs. The restructuring costs currently range between 137 million euros and 166 million euros.

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Le Festival Verdi 2019 a battu des records

La 19e édition du festival Verdi s’est achevée le 20 octobre à Parme et Busseto (près de la maison natale de Giuseppe Verdi). 26 353 spectateurs payants, dont 23 066 pour le seul festival et 3287 pour le Off, qui se déroule dans les rues de parme. C’est une très nette augmentation (14%) de la fréquentation de l’événement dont le précédent record était de 23 145 en 2017 (21 425 en 2018). Près de 60% des spectateurs sont venus d’autres pays (57,6% en 2018) . Record battu également pour le montant des recettes de ventes de billets qui s’élève à 1,434 millions d’euros (1,366 en 2018). Le taux de remplissage des 3 grandes salles de concert a également atteint un niveau record atteignant plus de 84% au Taetro regio di Parma, au Teatro Giuseppe Verdi di Busseto et à la Chiesa di Saan Francisco del Prato (Parme). Records également pour le Verdi Off et notamment la Verdi Street Parade à laquelle ont participé plus de 8500 personnes et 1300 artistes tout au long du parcours de 2,5 km qui proposait une cinquantaine de spectacles. Seul petit bémol, à la marge, la difficulté d’attirer un public jeune. Ils n’ont été que 1648 spectateurs de moins de 30 ans à avoir acheté des billets contre 1729 l’an dernier.

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The Verdi 2019 Festival broke records

The 19th edition of the Verdi Festival ended on 20 October in Parma and Busseto (near Giuseppe Verdi’s birthplace). 26,353 paying spectators, including 23,066 for the festival alone and 3287 for the Off, which takes place in the streets of Parma. This is a very significant increase (14%) in attendance at the event, the previous record being 23,145 in 2017 (21,425 in 2018). Almost 60% of the spectators came from other countries (57.6% in 2018). Record ticket sales revenue of €1.434 million (€1.366 million in 2018) was also achieved. The occupancy rate of the 3 large concert halls also reached a record level of more than 84% in Taetro regio di Parma, Teatro Giuseppe Verdi di Busseto and Chiesa di Saan Francisco del Prato (Parma). Records also for the Verdi Off and in particular the Verdi Street Parade, in which more than 8500 people and 1300 artists participated throughout the 2.5 km route, which featured some fifty shows. The only minor drawback, on the fringe, is the difficulty of attracting a young audience. Only 1648 spectators under 30 years of age bought tickets compared to 1729 last year.

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