76 percent of UK musicians will ‘stop performing in Europe’ due to Brexit
76 percent of musicians say they will be forced to stop performing in Europe because of Brexit.
Surveyed by musician booking platform Encore Musicians, over three quarters of 452 musicians who responded said that it was “likely Brexit travel restrictions will stop them performing in Europe.” The finding follows the news that visa-free travel will not be a feature of the UK’s post-Union relationship with the EU.
Out of all musicians, the survey found that classical artists “stand to lose the most income” from the travel restrictions, as they make the most on average from European performances, when compared to other genres.
Schleswig-Holstein setzt Ticketsystem für Impfterminvergabe ein
In Schleswig-Holstein wird für die Vergabe von Impfterminen gegen das Coronavirus die Ticket-Software des Anbieters Eventim genutzt. Das Portal, das normalerweise Eintrittskarten für Konzerte und andere Veranstaltungen verkauft, tritt damit im Bundesland an die Stelle der Kassenärztlichen Vereinigung. Grund dafür sei die Erfahrung des Unternehmens, hieß es von Seiten des Gesundheitsministeriums.
Das Unternehmen wäre in der Lage, “ein begrenztes Gut“ auch „unter hoher Auslastung an Anfragen” zu vermitteln.

Schleswig-Holstein uses ticket system for vaccination appointments
In Schleswig-Holstein, the ticket software of the provider Eventim is used for the allocation of vaccination appointments against the corona virus. The portal, which normally sells tickets for concerts and other events, is thus taking the place of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in the federal state. The reason for this was the company’s experience, according to the Ministry of Health.
The company would be able to broker “a limited commodity” even “under high utilisation of requests”.
Nomination de Fabien Armengaud à la tête de la maîtrise du CMBV
Après trente années à la direction musicale et pédagogique de la Maîtrise du Centre de musique baroque de Versailles dont il fut le fondateur, Olivier Schneebeli cède sa place à partir de la rentrée prochaine, à Fabien Armengaud, actuel chef-assistant et coordinateur pédagogique des Chantres.
L’année 2021 sera également marquée par le début de la résidence de la cheffe Emmanuelle Haïm, fidèle représentante du baroque et du savoir-faire musical français ; une résidence qui durera jusqu’en 2023.

Appointment of Fabien Armengaud as head of the CMBV’s master’s department
After thirty years as musical and pedagogical director of the Maîtrise of the Centre de musique baroque de Versailles, of which he was the founder, Olivier Schneebeli will be handing over to Fabien Armengaud, current assistant conductor and pedagogical coordinator of the Chantres.
The year 2021 will also be marked by the beginning of the residency of Emmanuelle Haïm, a faithful representative of Baroque and French musical know-how; a residency that will last until 2023.