Music sector cannot cope with effects of Covid-19 and a hard Brexit, says ISM report
The Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM) has launched its fifth report into the impact of Brexit on the music sector.
The report demonstrates that:
– Musicians have lost substantial amounts of work and earnings due to Brexit, and their biggest concern is securing future work in the EU/EEA after the transition period
– Over half the music workforce has identified Brexit as having had a negative impact on their professional work
– The music sector, worth £5.2 billion a year, cannot cope with the simultaneously devastating effects of Covid-19 and a hard Brexit this December.
The report highlights the devastating consequences of the coronavirus pandemic on the music sector, with cancellations, closures and the loss of work virtually overnight.

Wie der Kulturbetrieb wieder in Gang kommt
Wie probt ein Knabenchor derzeit? Wie dreht man eine Liebesszene mit 1,50 Metern Abstand? Reisen durch eine Branche, die versucht, trotz Corona weiterzumachen. Jetzt sind sie schon dankbar, wenigstens wieder proben zu dürfen, wenn auch im ganz kleinen Kreis. Für ihre erste “Motette” am vergangenen Samstag in der Thomaskirche. Bei den Thomanern hat unter strengen Auflagen gerade der Einzelunterricht wieder begonnen. Beim Instrumentalunterricht tragen Lehrer und Schüler Maske, beim Gesangstraining singt der Schüler in einen großen Spiegel, der Lehrer steht in gebührendem Abstand hinter ihm. Der Lehrer muss ja sehen können, wie der Schüler atmet, wie er dasteht, wie der ganze Körper den Ton gestaltet.

How to get the cultural industry going again
How does a boys’ choir currently rehearse? How do you shoot a love scene with 1.50 meters distance? Travelling through an industry that tries to keep going despite Corona. Now they are already grateful to at least be allowed to rehearse again, even if in a very small circle. For their first “motet” last Saturday in the Thomaskirche. With the St. Thomas students, the individual lessons have just started again under strict conditions. During the instrumental lessons, the teacher and student wear masks, during the singing training the student sings into a large mirror, the teacher stands behind him at a suitable distance. The teacher must be able to see how the student breathes, how he stands, how the whole body shapes the sound.
Pas de risques de contamination dans les orchestres selon une étude autrichienne
Les musiciens ne se transmettent pas entre eux le coronavirus lorsqu’ils jouent de leur instrument, selon une étude réalisée par le prestigieux Orchestre Philharmonique de Vienne, qui pense ne pas avoir besoin d’adapter sa pratique dans la perspective du déconfinement. Sous contrôle médical, les musiciens de l’orchestre viennois (réputé notamment pour son concert du Nouvel An) se sont soumis à un test, certifié par notaire. Les résultats du Dr Fritz Sterz, communiqués lundi par le Wiener Philharmoniker, montrent que qu’ »il ne faut pas s’attendre à ce que l’air exhalé par un artiste excède une distance de 80 centimètres ».

No risk of contamination in orchestras according to an Austrian study
Musicians do not transmit the coronavirus among themselves when they play their instrument, according to a study carried out by the prestigious Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, which believes that it does not need to adapt its practice with the end of quarantine. Under medical supervision, the musicians of the Viennese orchestra (famous in particular for its New Year’s concert) have undergone a test, certified by a notary. The results of Dr. Fritz Sterz, communicated on Monday by the Vienna Philharmonic, show that “one should not expect the air exhaled by an artist to exceed a distance of 80 centimeters”.
Tanglewood, Musical Haven in the Berkshires, Cancels Summer Season
Summer after summer, the Boston Symphony Orchestra retreats to its seasonal home: Tanglewood, a bucolic and beloved outdoor destination for music, tucked away in the Berkshires. New England’s vacationers and classical buffs follow by the hundreds of thousands. But this year, for the first time since the Second World War, Tanglewood’s season, a staple of summer in the Northeast, has been canceled because of the continued threat of the coronavirus pandemic. On Wednesday, the Hollywood Bowl, where the Los Angeles Philharmonic has spent its summers for nearly a century, also canceled its season. Together, the closures, announced on both coasts in such close succession, seem to cement a new reality: the end of live performance in America for the summer.