Bugler Jamie Ritchie will play the Last Post for Prince Philip’s funeral
Military rehearsals for the ceremonial procession for the funeral of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, this weekend have taken place, with Sergeant Bugler Jamie Ritchie leading the Last Post. He was awarded a medal in 2013 by the Duke of Edinburgh himself.
Ritchie is in the Royal Marines, and will lead four other buglers in playing the Last Post at the funeral this Saturday. He told the BBC it was both an ‘honour and a privilege’ to do so. ‘We feel the pressure, but we’re channelling that and we’re using that and we’re going to deliver an outstanding performance.’

Berliner Symphoniker bekommen neuen Chefdirigenten
Hansjörg Schellenberger wird neuer Chefdirigent der Berliner Symphoniker. Der gebürtige Münchner übernimmt den Posten zunächst für zwei Spielzeiten, teilte das Orchester am Donnerstag mit. Offiziell soll Schellenberger in der kommenden Woche vorgestellt werden. Von 1996 bis 2019 standen die Berliner Symphoniker unter der künstlerischen Leitung von Lior Shambadal.
Der 1948 geborene Schellenberger war von 1980 bis 2001 Solo-Oboist der Berliner Philharmoniker. Zudem wirkt er als Kammermusiker und Solist sowie als Musikpädagoge. Als Dirigent hat er mit verschiedenen Klangkörpern gearbeitet, seit 2013 ist er Chefdirigent des Okayama Philharmonic Orchestra.

Berlin Symphony Orchestra appoints Schellenberger as Chief Conductor
The Berlin Symphony Orchestra has announced the appointment of Hansjörg Schellenberger to the role of principal conductor. As the orchestra announced on Thursday, the Munich-born conductor will initially take over the post for two seasons. Schellenberger will be officially introduced next week. From 1996 to 2019, the Berlin Symphony Orchestra was under the artistic direction of Lior Shambadal.
Born in 1948, Schellenberger was principal oboist of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra from 1980 to 2001. He also works as a chamber musician and soloist as well as a music teacher. He has worked as a conductor with various orchestras and has been principal conductor of the Okayama Philharmonic Orchestra since 2013.
Festivals : une enveloppe de soutien de 20 millions d’euros sera débloquée
Les aides déployées auront pour objectif principal de compenser les pertes de billetterie liées à la crise sanitaire. Roselyne Bachelot l’avait annoncé en février dernier : les festivals pourront prétendre à une aide exceptionnelle cette année. Le Centre national de la musique (CNM) indique aujourd’hui que les deux tiers des 30 millions d’euros débloqués le seront « au bénéfice de la musique et des variétés par le Centre national de la musique, en coordination avec les DRAC [directions régionales des affaires culturelles] et DAC [directions des affaires culturelles]. »
Ce fonds de soutien vise à compenser les pertes d’exploitation des organisateurs qui maintiendront leurs événements en dépit des contraintes sanitaires : jauges potentiellement restreintes, mise en œuvre et contrôle des mesures barrière, etc.

Twenty million euros support package for festivals
The main objective of the support package will be to compensate for the loss of ticket sales linked to the Coronavirus pandemic. Roselyne Bachelot announced last February that festivals would be eligible for exceptional support this year. As the National Music Centre (CNM) said today, two thirds of the 30 million euros will be released “for the benefit of music and variety shows by the National Music Centre, in coordination with the DRACs [regional directorates of cultural affairs] and DACs [directorates of cultural affairs]. “
This support fund is intended to compensate organisers for operating losses if they maintain their events despite health constraints: potentially restricted audience sizes, implementation and control of protective measures, etc.