In today’s news: Mariss Jansons apologises for his sexist statements, a new TV documentary about the life of Samuel Coleridge-Taylor announced, a songwriting pathway is added to its diploma at The Academy of Contemporary Music. Also, Emma Wernig wins the 1st prize at the 2017 Cecil Aronowitz International Viola Competition,14’000 admissions for Piano Festival 2017 of Lucerne Festival and public music schools in Brandenburg will receive more money.
The Times
Classical music is reaching out to younger audiences
How to give Bach new bite.
The Telegraph
Leading conductor apologises for ‘sexist’ remarks
One of the world’s most respected conductors has apologised after suggesting he did not like to see women leading an orchestra.
Croydon Advertiser
How one of the world’s greatest composers died penniless in Croydon
A TV documentary being broadcast this week will look at the life of Samuel Coleridge-Taylor.
Classical Music
Snape Maltings announces new appointments
Phillipa Reive has been appointed to the newly created position of director, Creative Campus, Snape Maltings.
Music Teacher
ACM launches Diploma songwriting pathway
The Academy of Contemporary Music has added a songwriting pathway to its diploma course in Guildford and Birmingham.
Evening Express
University to release music album to raise money for research into broken heart syndrome
The University of Aberdeen’s record label, Vox Regis, will launch Exiled: Music by Philips and Dering next week to raise money for research into the condition, known as “broken heart syndrome”.
Broadway World
Tawnee Lynn Music Services will present the Inaugural Concert of the newly formed Los Angeles Classic Rock Orchestra (LACRO) led by Anthony Bonsera, Founding Artistic Director, and Music Director.
The Violin Channel
Prizes Awarded at England’s Cecil Aronowitz International Viola Competition
18-year-old violist Emma Wernig has been awarded 1st prize at the 2017 Cecil Aronowitz International Viola Competition.
Codex flores
Bilanz des Luzerner Piano Festival 2017
Das Piano Festival 2017 von Lucerne Festival hat in 15 Konzerten rund 14’000 Eintritte generiert.
Busoni-Kompositionspreis an Benjamin Scheuer verliehen
Der Komponist Benjamin Scheuer hat den mit 6.000 Euro dotierten Busoni-Kompositionspreis 2017 erhalten.
Brandenburg fördert stärker öffentliche Musikschulen
In diesem Jahr erhalten die Musikschulen mit rund 5,1 Millionen Euro doppelt soviel wie im Vorjahr.
Bildungsinitiative SING! des Rundfunkchores Berlin ausgezeichnet
Die Bildungsinitiative SING! des Rundfunkchores Berlins wurde mit dem renommierten Junge Ohren Preis in der Kategorie Programm« ausgezeichnet.
France Musique
Le Sud-Coréen Jaehyuck Choi remporte le Prix de Composition du concours de Genève
Le Sud-Coréen Jaehyuck Choi a été désigné grand vainqueur du Prix de Composition de la 72e édition du concours de Genève. Il a été récompensé pour son œuvre Nocturne III.
Platea Magazin
El barítono Benjamin Appl debuta hoy en el festival LIFE Victoria
El joven barítono alemán Benjamin Appl (Ratisbona, 1982) debuta hoy en el Festival LIFE Victoria, acompañado al piano por Sholto Kynoch.