All-Black classical symphony orchestra to play Carnegie Hall for first time in its 130-year history
History will be made at Carnegie Hall next year, as an all-Black classical symphony orchestra is slated to make its debut.
In 2022, an all-Black classical symphony orchestra will perform at New York’s Carnegie Hall for the first time in the concert venue’s 130-year history.
The Gateways Music Festival Orchestra, under the baton of star US conductor Michael Morgan, will perform a world premiere of a new commission by jazz composer Jon Batiste, who recently scooped an Oscar for his original music in Disney’s Soul.
Vier Corona-Fälle bei Operncamp in Mozartstadt
Die Salzburger Festspiele haben am Donnerstag über vier Coronafälle bei einem Operncamp für Jugendliche informiert. Die Gesundheitsbehörde stufte 20 Jugendliche als Kontaktpersonen der Kategorie 1 ein. Die öffentliche Abschlussaufführung des Camps am 14. August wurde abgesagt. Es gab auch eine positive Nachricht: Im Fall des nach der “Jedermann”-Premiere positiv getesteten Besuchers mit 44 Kontaktpersonen wurde nach Ablauf der Inkubationszeit keine Folgeinfektion gemeldet.
Four Corona cases at opera camp in Mozart’s city
The Salzburg Festival announced on Thursday about four corona cases at an opera camp for young people. The health authority classified 20 young people as category 1 contact persons. The final public performance of the camp on August 14th was canceled. There was also positive news: in the case of the visitor with 44 contact persons who tested positive after the “Jedermann” premiere, no subsequent infections were reported after the incubation period had expired.
Le chef d’orchestre Gianluigi Gelmetti est mort à l’âge de 75 ans
Le maestro italien Gianluigi Gelmetti, passé par les plus grands opéras et salles de concert du monde, est décédé ce mercredi à l’âge de 75 ans à Monaco, a annoncé l’Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte-Carlo dont il était le chef honoraire depuis 2016 après en avoir été le directeur artistique et musical.
Grand spécialiste de Rossini et Beethoven
«C’est avec une très grande tristesse que le conseil d’administration, la direction et l’ensemble des musiciens et du personnel de l’orchestre philharmonique de Monte-Carlo viennent d’apprendre le décès ce matin à Monaco de l’ancien directeur artistique et musical et chef honoraire de l’orchestre: le maestro Gianluigi Gelmetti » a indiqué ce mercredi l’institution monégasque dans un communiqué , sans préciser les causes de son décès.
Conductor Gianluigi Gelmetti has died at the age of 75
Italian maestro Gianluigi Gelmetti, who performed in some of the world’s greatest opera houses and concert halls, died on Wednesday at the age of 75 in Monaco, the Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra announced. He had been its honorary conductor since 2016, after serving as its artistic and musical director.
Great specialist of Rossini and Beethoven
“It is with great sadness that the board of directors, the management and all the musicians and staff of the Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra have just learned of the death this morning in Monaco of the former artistic and musical director and honorary conductor of the orchestra: Maestro Gianluigi Gelmetti,” the Monegasque institution said in a statement on Wednesday, without specifying the causes of his death.
San Diego Gets Its Answer to the Hollywood Bowl, Just in Time
SAN DIEGO — The Rady Shell at Jacobs Park, a billowing white sail of an outdoor concert hall along the San Diego Bay, was planned as this city’s answer to the Hollywood Bowl: an $85 million summertime stage for the San Diego Symphony, a project of such architectural and acoustical distinction that it would distinguish San Diego on any national cultural map.
But now, its arrival — it opened with a sold-out gala performance Friday night — has turned out to be welcome for an additional reason. With the stop-and-start coursing of the Covid pandemic, the symphony, finally playing before a full audience again, is planning to extend its stay in its new summer home at least through November. It won’t be returning to its regular venue, the downtown Copley Symphony Hall, for a while.
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Where everything collides – music festival on Lesbos
Rémi Bérard, 20 ans, a gagné une bourse Zellidja, un organisme qui permet à des jeunes de partir en voyage pour partir à la découverte de l’histoire de l’instrument.
Rémi Bérard, 20, won a Zellidja scholarship, an organisation that allows young people to go on a trip to discover the history of the instrument.
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