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20th November: Aled Jones and the harassment claim, Cecilia Bartoli and the Sistine Chapel Choir, René Kollo turns 80. - WildKat

20th November: Aled Jones and the harassment claim, Cecilia Bartoli and the Sistine Chapel Choir, René Kollo turns 80.

Monday 20th November 2017

In today’s’ news: Aled Jones and the harassment claim, Cecilia Bartoli becomes the first female singer to record with the Sistine Chapel Choir, Spotify’s UK operation is about to get bigger. A 9-year old is conducting in France for a good cause, there is a strike at the Basque orchestra. Women dominate the TG4 Gradam Ceoil Awards. The Bavarian art awards go to a percussionist and a guitar player. In Zwickau, there is the renewal of the theatre is progressing as the architects have been let go. Also, fake concerts in Russia used for embezzlement. And René Kollo turns 80.

The Times

Aled Jones says sorry but denies harassment claim

Aled Jones, who gained fame as a choirboy, will not be on the BBC while a claim is investigated.

Classic FM

Cecilia Bartoli becomes the first woman to record with the Sistine Chapel Choir

Cecilia Bartoli has become the first female singer to record with the world-famous choir of the Sistine Chapel in Rome.

Classical Music

NYO reveals 70th anniversary season

The National Youth Orchestra has announced it’s 2018 season, which will launch with the ensemble’s first performance of a complete opera.

Choir and Organ

Paul Spicer celebrates 25 years with Birmingham Bach Choir

Conductor Paul Spicer will celebrate 25 years leading Birmingham Bach Choir with a special anniversary concert on 30 November 2017 at Birmingham Town Hall.

Music Teacher

Royal College of Music to unveil new Flentrop organ

The Royal College of Music (RCM) is to unveil its new organ in spring 2018.

Music Business Worldwide

Spotify to double UK workforce as it moves to 60,000 sq ft London office.

Spotify’s UK operation is about to get a lot bigger.

The Irish Times

Women dominate the 2018 TG4 Gradam Ceoil Awards

The list of winners represents a shift in the scales of traditional music, with four of the six individual awards going to women.


Fake Hvorostovsky concerts used for embezzlement

Russian police is investigating a case in which fake concerts by baritone Dmitri Hvorostovsky were used by the General Director of the Krasnoyarsk Philharmonic for embezzlement, the Russian magazine M Celebrity reports.


Zwickauer Theaterbau: Sanierung läuft trotz Streits weiter

Die Sanierung der wichtigsten Spielstätte des Theaters Plauen-Zwickau geht trotz Kündigung des Architekten weiter. 


Vom Schlagerstar zum Heldentenor

Im Opernbereich ist René Kollo eine Ausnahmeerscheinung: Kaum einem Sänger gelang es bislang, eine derartige Karriere als Heldentenor hinzulegen – und zuvor in der leichten Muse zum Star zu avanciert haben.

Bayerischer Kunstförderpreis für Vivi Vassileva und Johannes Öllinger

Die Perkussionistin Vivi Vassileva sowie der Gitarrist Johannes Öllinger sind mit dem Bayerischen Kunstförderpreis 2017 in der Sparte Musik ausgezeichnet worden.

Pianist Viktor Soos gewinnt Lübecker Possehl-Wettbewerb

Der Pianist Viktor Soos hat beim Possehl-Wettbewerb der Lübecker Musikhochschule, der in diesem Jahr zum 54. Mal ausgetragen wurde, den ersten Preis gewonnen. 

El Mundo

El comité de la OSE pide la implicación de Bingen Zupiria en el conflicto

El comité de empresa de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Euskadi(OSE) ha reclamado hoy la implicación del consejero vasco de Cultura, Bingen Zupiria, en el conflicto que ha llevado a la sinfónica vasca a la huelga, cuya primera jornada se celebra hoy.

France musique

Nino, 9 ans, dirige l’Orchestre philharmonique de Radio France pour la journée mondiale des enfants

Dans le cadre de la campagne vidéo lancée par l’Unicef pour la Journée mondiale des enfants, Mikko Franck a cédé son pupitre à Nino, 9 ans, à la tête de l’Orchestre philharmonique de Radio France, le temps d’une répétition.


in 1911 FP of Gustav ’s Das Lied Von Der Erde

Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images