Cheltenham Music Festival cancelled

Cheltenham Music Festival has been cancelled due to concerns around the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.The organisers have stated the Cheltenham Literary Festival, due to be held in October, will be expanded to include elements of the jazz, science and music festivals.For more information, as well as podcasts, playlists and reading lists, visit:
#MusikerNothilfe zahlt über 1 Million Euro aus
Die Spendenkampagne #MusikerNothilfe der Deutschen Orchester-Stiftung hat nach nur drei Wochen den Spendenstand von 1 Million Euro überschritten. Noch vor Ostern werden jetzt an 2500 Antragsteller jeweils 400 Euro Soforthilfe ausgezahlt.
Gerald Mertens, Kuratoriumsvorsitzender der Stiftung, freut sich über die Resonanz: « Wir können staatliche Zahlungen nicht ersetzen, aber wir können in der gesamten Musikszene solidarisch sein. Professionelle Orchester, Chöre, Musiker, Sänger, Dirigenten und Musikliebhaber, alle haben gespendet für Freischaffende in Not. Diesen Zusammenhalt gilt es auch nach der Corona-Krise zu bewahren“.
Da der Stiftung noch mehr als 1000 weitere Anträge vorliegen, wird die Spendenaktion in den kommenden Wochen fortgesetzt.
#MusikerNothilfe distributes over 1 million euros
After only three weeks, the #MusikerNothilfe fundraising campaign of the German Orchestra Foundation has exceeded the donation level of 1 million euros. Before Easter, 400 euros of immediate aid will be paid out to 2500 applicants.
Gerald Mertens, Chairman of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, is delighted with the response: “We cannot replace state payments, but we can show solidarity throughout the music scene. Professional orchestras, choirs, musicians, singers, conductors and music lovers, all have donated for freelancers in need. It is important to maintain this solidarity even after the Corona crisis”.
Since the foundation has received more than 1000 further applications, the fundraising campaign will continue in the coming weeks.
Enseigner la musique pendant le confinement: plus que jamais une nécessité
Au contexte inédit, mesures inédites. Vendredi dernier le ministre de l’Education nationale Jean-Michel Blanquer a annoncé que, suite à l’épidémie du Coronavirus, les épreuves de Baccalauréat seraient remplacées par le contrôle continu, à l’exception de l’oral du français. Or, pour l’option musique, l’évaluation en contrôle continu ne devait rentrer en vigueur qu’en 2021, l’année de l’application de la réforme qui passe toutes les options en contrôle continu, provoquant de vives réactions des professionnels de l’enseignement artistique.
Cependant, la crise du Coronavirus a accéléré les choses. Le Bac Musique sera évalué en contrôle continu, c’est à dire à partir des notes obtenues au cours de l’année, dès juin prochain. Quelles sont les conséquences de cette mesure pour les élèves ?

Teaching music during confinement: more than ever a necessity
New context, new measures. Last Friday the Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer announced that, following the Coronavirus epidemic, the Baccalaureate exams would be replaced by continuous assessment, with the exception of oral French. However, for the music option, the continuous assessment was not due to come into force until 2021, the year of application of the reform which passes all the options in continuous assessment, provoking strong reactions from professionals in the field of arts education.
However, the Coronavirus crisis has accelerated the process. The Music Baccalaureate will be evaluated in continuous assessment, i.e. on the basis of the marks obtained during the year, from next June onwards. What are the consequences of this measure for the students?