In today’s news: Composer Glenn Branca dies at 69, new book researches the deaths of 70 of the best-known classical composers, 300 school children to play with Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, The biggest German music youth competition is about to start in Lübeck, Stuttgart opera needs to relocate during renovation, legendary scenographer and director Karl-Ernst Herrmann has died, Germanys biggest Choir festival has come to an end, and Le Monde examines how protests affect programming.
6 Classic Albums That Wouldn’t Exist Without Glenn Branca
Pioneering avant-garde guitarist and composer Glenn Branca died Sunday night, as reported by his wife, longtime collaborator and ensemble member Reg Bloor. He was 69.
The Guardian
Classical composers unfairly tainted by STD rumours, book claims
A retired surgeon’s research into the deaths of 70 of the best-known classical composers has led him to conclude that many of them were unfairly tainted with reputations for “venereal disease, alcoholism or sexual impropriety”.
Music Teacher
Lowestoft schools to perform with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Arts charity Children & the Arts has announced that 300 children for four Lowestoft primary schools will perform in concert with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (RPO) at the town’s Marina Theatre.
Choir and Organ
João Vaz makes first concert trip to the UK
Portugal’s leading organist, João Vaz, will play his first concerts in the UK this June for Portugal Day (10 June).
Classic FM
Someone called 911 to report a gun – but it was just a guy playing his bassoon
A 911 caller told police a man was sitting on his car with a weapon, but he was just playing the bassoon.
The New York Times
A New ‘Horror Opera’ Opens Miller Theater’s Next Season
With her dark, disturbing “Breaking the Waves,” Missy Mazzoli established herself as an opera composer to watch. Now New Yorkers will get a chance to hear her latest work, “Proving Up,” which will open the 30th-anniversary season of the Miller Theater at Columbia University.
Bundeswettbewerb «Jugend musiziert» in Lübeck – über 2600 Teilnehmer
Der Bundeswettbewerb «Jugend musiziert» findet in diesem Jahr in Lübeck statt. Vom 17. bis zum 24. Mai erwarte die Stadt mehr als 2600 Teilnehmer im Alter zwischen 13 und 27 Jahren.
Musik Heute
Oper Stuttgart: Philharmonie-Neubau als Interim?
Im Streit um eine Übergangsspielstätte für Stuttgarts Oper während der geplanten Sanierung des alten Opernhauses hat die CDU-Ratsfraktion einen reinen Interimsbau abgelehnt.
Mitgründer der Berliner Schaubühne: Karl-Ernst Hermann ist tot
Er gründete die Berliner Schaubühne mit und prägte das deutsche Theater über 50 Jahre. Nun ist der Bühnenbildner und Regisseur Karl-Ernst Hermann im Alter von 81 Jahren gestorben.
54 Chöre und Vokalensembles ausgezeichnet
Rund 5.000 Sängerinnen und Sänger aus 116 Chorformationen waren zum 10. Deutschen Chorwettbewerb gekommen, der vom 5. bis 13. Mai 2018 in Freiburg stattfand.
Le Monde
Ces chanteurs qu’on ne peut plus voir
Depuis 2005, plusieurs artistes ont été déprogrammés à cause de prises de position ou de paroles choquantes.

Glenn Branca photographed on Nov. 16, 1994 © Ebet Roberts/Redferns