Midway through Children’s Mental Health Week, what’s the news?
The CEO of Youth Music is calling for a more holistic view of young people’s mental health, Dr Alex is appointed Mental Health Ambassador for Youth, teachers fear for their pupils awaiting mental health treatment, and a new survey published by Place2Be reveals there is still work to be done to tackle stigma.
Halfway through Children’s Mental Health Week, Matt Griffiths, CEO of Youth Music is urging the government and leaders in education ‘to prioritise young people’s wellbeing and to take a holistic view of their mental health’ rather than a ‘continual obsession’ with attainment and exams, adding that ‘music can play a vital role in helping them thrive’.

Salzburger Osterfestspiele: Konzerte mit Publikum und Abstand
Die Osterfestspiele Salzburg haben ihr ursprüngliches Programm wegen der Corona-Krise erneut geändert, hoffen aber auf Konzerte vor Publikum. «Es war unser oberstes Gebot, dem Virus die Stirn zu bieten und mit Musik ein starkes Signal in die Welt zu senden», erklärte der künstlerische Leiter Christian Thielemann am Dienstag.
Nikolaus Bachler, kaufmännischer Leiter und ab 2022 auch Intendant, wies auf die Schwierigkeiten wie Probenmöglichkeiten oder Einreisebestimmungen hin. Es sei aber ein teilweise neues Festivalprogramm entstanden, «von dem wir zuversichtlich sind, dass es zur Aufführung kommen kann.»

Salzburg Osterfestspiele: Concerts with audience and distance
The Salzburg Easter Festival has changed its original programme again because of the Corona crisis, but hopes to have concerts with an audience. “It was our top priority to stand up to the virus and send a strong signal to the world with music,” explained artistic director Christian Thielemann on Tuesday.
Nikolaus Bachler, commercial director and also artistic director from 2022, pointed to the difficulties such as rehearsal opportunities or entry regulations. However, he said, a partly new festival programme had been created, “which we are confident can be performed.”
Deux ingénieurs lancent un site de vente de partitions d’occasion
Une plateforme de vente de matériel musical d’occasion, c’est l’idée qu’ont eu, pendant le premier confinement, deux ingénieurs musiciens français.
Le marché de la seconde main a décidément de beaux jours devant lui. Dans le sillage du Bon Coin, plusieurs plateformes de vente en ligne entre particuliers se sont lancées, souvent spécialisées sur un créneau et elles rencontrent un franc succès.

Two engineers launch a site for the sale of second-hand sheet music
A platform for the sale of second-hand musical equipment is the idea that two French musical engineers had during the first confinement.
The second-hand market has definitely good days ahead of it. In the wake of the Bon Coin, several online sales platforms between private individuals have been launched, often specialising in a niche market, and they are meeting with great success.