
18th September – 24th September: Choral Music Sales Rise 700%, Vogler and Oberlinger Receive Order of Merit, The Festival d’Aix-en-Provence, Orchestra Receives $2.1M for EDI Efforts

Friday 24th September 2021

Presto Music Reports 700% Year on Year Rise in Choral Music Sales

Presto Music has reported a 700% year-on-year rise in choral music sales for July 2021, suggesting the imminent return of choirs post-lockdown. Choral music sales account for nearly 10% of Presto Music’s total sheet music revenue over the last 3 months, compared with less than 2% in the same period last year.

Founded in 1986, Presto Music is an e-commerce site for classical and jazz music, sheet music, music books and musical instruments. The site’s head of sheet music, James Longstaffe, comments, ‘Choirs are an integral part of traditional musical culture in the UK and around the world.

When lockdown hit, many choral groups were unable to come together to practise or enjoy their shared love of music and performing. With the easing of lockdown restrictions, choral music sales have exploded once again and choirs can get back to doing what they love most.’

‘Presto Music is proud to play a part in the return of the longstanding choir tradition. We saw a 700% year-on-year increase in choral music sales in July 2021 alone – and these numbers are holding firm.

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Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland für Jan Vogler und Dorothee Oberlinger

Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) wird zum Tag der Deutschen Einheit 16 Bürger mit dem Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland auszeichnen. “Die sechs Frauen und zehn Männer haben sich in herausragender Weise für die Kunst und das von den Corona-Einschränkungen besonders betroffene Kulturleben eingesetzt”, hieß es.

Unter den zu ehrenden Persönlichkeiten sind auch die Blockflötistin Dorothee Oberlinger und der Cellist Jan Vogler. Oberlinger, so die Begründung, begeistere selbst die mit ihrer Musik, “die im Kindesalter dieses Instrumentes überdrüssig geworden sind”. Als “Königin der Blockflöte” gehöre sie zur “absoluten Weltklasse”.

Auch bei Vogler wurde sein Engagement für junge Menschen im Besonderen genannt. Außerdem stehe er für den Dialog der Kulturen, welcher “in Zeiten der Pandemie mehr denn je gebraucht” werde. Verliehen werden sollen die Orden am 1. Oktober im Schloss Bellevue.

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Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany for Jan Vogler and Dorothee Oberlinger

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) will award 16 citizens with the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany on German Unity Day. “The six women and ten men have made outstanding contributions to the arts and to the cultural scene, which has been particularly affected by the Corona restrictions,” he said.

Among the individuals to be honoured are recorder player Dorothee Oberlinger and cellist Jan Vogler. Oberlinger, according to the statement, inspires even those with her music “who have grown tired of this instrument in their childhood”. As the “queen of the recorder”, she belongs to the “absolute world class”.

Vogler was also mentioned for his commitment to young people in particular. In addition, he stands for the dialogue of cultures, which is “needed more than ever in times of the pandemic”. The medals will be awarded on 1 October at Schloss Bellevue.

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Le Festival d’Aix-en-Provence reçoit le label “Egalité professionnelle entre les femmes et les hommes”

L’Afnor a attribué au Festival d’Aix-en-Provence le label “Égalité professionnelle entre les femmes et les hommes”. Cette attribution, pour quatre ans, fait suite à l’engagement du festival et de son Académie : “le Festival d’Aix”, indique un communiqué, “cherche à mettre en valeur le talent des femmes artistes dans le monde l’opéra et à faciliter leur accès aux carrières artistiques”.

L’édition 2021 a ainsi consacré le triomphe d’Innocence de la Finlandaise Kaija Saariaho sur un livret de sa compatriote Sofi Oksanen. Le communiqué met également l’accent sur les résidences “Women Opera Makers” (qui réunit trois compositrices, trois autrices, trois cheffes et trois metteuses en scène) et “Mentorat de cheffes d’orchestre” de son Académie.

Par ailleurs, le festival a mis en place depuis 2019 une “cellule interne d’écoute, de traitement et d’alerte à l’intention des personnes victimes ou témoins d’agissements à caractère sexistes ou sexuel”, et déployé pendant toute son édition 2021 une campagne de prévention.

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The Festival d’Aix-en-Provence receives the “Professional Equality between Women and Men” label

Afnor has awarded the Festival d’Aix-en-Provence the label “Professional equality between women and men”. This award, for four years, follows the commitment of the festival and its Academy. “The Festival d’Aix” press release says it “seeks to highlight the talent of women artists in the opera world and to facilitate their access to artistic careers”.

The 2021 edition thus saw the triumph of Innocence by the Finnish Kaija Saariaho on a libretto by her compatriot Sofi Oksanen. The press release also highlights the ‘Women Opera Makers’ residencies (which bring together three female composers, three female authors, three female conductors and three female directors) and the ‘Conductor’s Mentorship’ residencies of its Academy.

In addition, since 2019, the festival has set up an “internal listening, treatment and alert unit for people who are victims or witnesses of sexist or sexual harassment”, and has deployed a prevention campaign throughout its 2021 edition.

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Mellon Foundation Gives Orchestras $2.1M for Their EDI Efforts

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded the League of American Orchestra’s Catalyst Fund $2.1million to advance efforts to develop and strengthen equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) practices in American orchestras. The grant comes on the heels of a 2019 $2.1million award supporting a three-year pilot program for forty-nine orchestras.

Modelled after incubators in the technology sector, the League’s new Catalyst Incubator program will provide 20 orchestras with $75,000 over three years to work with an EDI consultant to plan and launch activities that will produce a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive organisational culture.

The Catalyst Fund grew out of conversations, surveys, and round tables conducted between 2016 and 2018 that highlighted the history of discrimination and lack of inclusion in the orchestra world. Remedying the situation required external support, which came in the form of the aforementioned pilot program.

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