
23rd December: choristers in English cathedrals, State Opera Ballet Academy affair, Rhine Opera House

Monday 23rd December 2019

Girl choristers now outnumber boys in English cathedrals for first time in history

It’s been almost 30 years since girl choristers joined the tradition of English cathedral music, and there are now more of them than their male counterparts. The Times reports that today, there are 739 girl choristers and 737 boy choristers singing in English cathedrals, meaning that for the first time, girls outnumber boys in the cathedral choir stalls. The tradition of boy trebles singing in the country’s cathedrals dates back over millennia to 909, when the first boys sang at Wells Cathedral. Salisbury Cathedral became the first cathedral to admit girl choristers in 1991. Since then, almost every cathedral has introduced a girls’ choir, although many admit the pace to reaching a point of equality has been slow. Adrian Partington, Director of Music at Gloucester Cathedral told The Times: “We’ve had boy choristers since 1541. With girls, I’m sorry to say we’ve been a bit slow and only had them since 2016. It’s shameful really.”

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Personelle Konsequenzen nach Affäre in Ballettakademie der Staatsoper

Die von einer Sonderkommission gerügten Missstände an der Ballettakademie der Wiener Staatsoper haben personelle Konsequenzen. Die bisherige Leiterin der Ballettakademie, die seit 2010 im Amt war, wurde abberufen. Die künstlerische Leitung der Ballettakademie übernehme ab sofort bis zur Neuausrichtung allein die Direktion der Wiener Staatsoper, teilte die Bundestheater-Holding am Freitag mit. Die Entscheidung ist ein Ergebnis von Gesprächen des österreichischen Kulturministers Alexander Schallenberg mit Staatsopern-Direktor Dominique Meyer und seinem ab Herbst 2020 bestellten Nachfolger Bogdan Roscic. Die Kommission hatte in ihrem jüngst vorgelegten Bericht festgehalten, dass der Kinderschutz an der Akademie mit ihren 130 meist ausländischen Schülern im Alter von 10 bis 18 Jahren grob missachtet worden sei.

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Personnel consequences after affair at the State Opera Ballet Academy

The conditions that were uncovered at the ballet academy of the Vienna State Opera have now been publicly criticised by a special commission and will have personal consequences. The previous director of the Ballet Academy, who had been in office since 2010, was dismissed. The artistic direction of the Ballet Academy will be taken over by the directors of the Vienna State Opera from now until the realignment, the Bundestheater-Holding announced on Friday. The decision is the result of talks between Austrian Minister of Culture Alexander Schallenberg and State Opera Director Dominique Meyer and his successor Bogdan Roscic, who is appointed to take over in autumn 2020. In its recent report, the commission stated that child protection at the academy, with its 130 mostly foreign students aged 10 to 18, had been grossly disregarded.

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Nomination: un nouveau directeur général pour l’Opéra du Rhin

En janvier prochain, Alain Perroux succédera donc à l’Allemande Eva Kleinitz, décédée en mai dernier à l’âge de 47 ans, et à Bertrand Rossi, qui a assuré l’intérim et a été nommé directeur de l’Opéra de Nice. Né en 1971 à Genève, Alain Perroux « assurera très rapidement la préparation et la programmation de la saison 2021-2022″, a indiqué l’ONR dans un communiqué. Son choix s’est fait par « un consensus unanime » des villes de Strasbourg, Mulhouse et Colmar et du ministère de la Culture, indique l’opéra. Si cette nomination est une bonne nouvelle pour l’ONR qui a donc un nouveau directeur, en revanche c’est un coup dur pour le Festival d’Aix en Provence qui voit le quitter 2 de ses responsables: Alain Perroux donc, qui dirigeait l’administration artistique et Émilie Delorme, la directrice de l’académie du Festival qui vient d’être nommée à la tête du Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris

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Nomination: a new General Director for the Rhine Opera House

Next January, Alain Perroux will succeed Eva Kleinitz, who passed away last May at the age of 47, and Bertrand Rossi, who has taken over as interim director of the Nice Opera. Born in 1971 in Geneva, Alain Perroux “will very quickly ensure the preparation and programming of the 2021-2022″ season, the ONR stated in a press release. His choice was made by “a unanimous consensus” of the cities of Strasbourg, Mulhouse and Colmar and the Ministry of Culture, the opera said. If this nomination is good news for the ONR, which has a new director, it is also a hard blow for the Festival d’Aix en Provence, which has seen the departure of two of its directors: Alain Perroux, who was in charge of artistic administration, and Émilie Delorme, the director of the Festival’s academy, who has just been appointed head of the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris.

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