Meet Harold Brown: Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra’s first chief diversity officer
CINCINNATI — Bach, Handel and Mozart — those are the names you expect to see in a symphony orchestra program. In more recent years, American and Russian composers have joined the canon, such as Copeland, Tchaikovsky and Gershwin.
But a pattern remains: Overwhelmingly white, western and from a different century.
Fans of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra (CSO) know, however, that’s not their entire repertoire. For years, the CSO has held shows for contemporary, gospel, film scores, folk and showcased composers from around the world. Still, the image is there, and they hope a new hire can help change that.

Lucerne Festival strukturiert sich neu
Das Lucerne Festival bekommt eine neue Struktur. Mit den drei Sparten „Symphony“, „Contemporary“ und „Music for Future“ sollen die zentralen Angebote herausgestellt werden, teilten die Veranstalter am Mittwoch mit. Zudem werden neue Veranstaltungsreihen aufgelegt.
„Das Corona-Virus stellt das Festival wie alle anderen Veranstalter auf eine harte Probe“, erklärte Stiftungsratspräsident Markus Hongler.
Doch man habe die Krise als Chance begriffen „und die Zeit genutzt, unser strategisches Profil für die Zukunft zu schärfen“, sagte er.

Lucerne Festival gets new structure
The Lucerne Festival is getting a new structure. The three categories “Symphony”, “Contemporary” and “Music for Future” are intended to highlight the festival’s main offerings, as the organisers announced on Wednesday. In addition, a new event series will be launched.
“Coronavirus is putting the festival, like all other organisers, to a tough test,” explained Markus Hongler, president of the foundation board.
But the crisis was seen as an opportunity “and the time has been used to sharpen our strategic profile for the future”, he said.
Salles de spectacle : de nouvelles précisions sur la réouverture
Alors que les lieux de culture sont dans les starting blocks pour reprendre leur activité, le ministère de la Culture a précisé les contours de leur réouverture.Sur sa page Facebook, le Théâtre des Champs-Élysées donne déjà quelques précisions sur sa réouverture prochaine : « ce sera donc avec une jauge à 35%, soit 695 places maximum, avec 2 sièges entre les groupes de spectateurs ».
Il est parmi les premiers à réagir aux nouvelles directives données par le ministère de la Culture.
Si les salles où les spectateurs restent assis pourront rouvrir dès le 19 mai, ce sera ainsi avec une jauge de 35 %, dans la limite de 800 spectateurs.

Performance venues: new details on reopening
With culture venues about to embark on the journey to reopening and resuming as normal, the Ministry of Culture has clarified the stages of their reopening. On its Facebook page, the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées is already giving some details on its upcoming reopening: “it will have a reduced capacity of approx 35%, i.e. 695 seats maximum, with 2 seats apart between groups of spectators.”
He is among the first to react to the new directions, outlined by the Ministry of Culture.
If indoor seating with spectators will resume from May 19, it will be with a 35% capacity and a limit of 800 spectators.