In today’s news: Classic BRITs 2018 nominations revealed including 101 year old Vera Lynn, ENO to stage Jack the Ripper opera, Joseph Haydn’s opera “Il mondo della luna” at the Hanns-Eisler-Hochschule für Musik, Pianist Yeol Eum Son plays with grace under pressure and Lucerne Symphony Orchestra launches crowdfunding campaign for rehearsal house.
Music Week
‘It has captured the essence of classic music’: Classic BRITs 2018 nominations revealed
The Classic BRIT Awards 2018 has revealed nominations for the revived ceremony this summer, including a new category for Soundtrack Of The Year.
The Guardian
Jack the Ripper’s victims take centre stage in new ENO opera
ENO to stage a new opera based on the perspective women killed by Whitechapel’s Jack the Ripper and sheds light on plight of Victorian poor.
The Times
Vera Lynn up for Classic Brits awards aged 101
Dame Vera Lynn, who is 101, has been nominated for two Classic Brit awards and will also be recognised for her lifetime achievement.
Choir and Organ
First ever Leeds International Organ Festival to be hosted by Leeds Cathedral
Between 14 May and 9 July, organists of all ages will have the opportunity to hear, meet, and perform alongside renowned international concert organists, who will join the resident team from across Britain and Europe.
Classical Music
Friday Afternoons project announces world premiere
The singing initiative has announced the world premiere of MAP: Songs for children everywhere which comprises of 12 songs for young people to sing, and has been written by composer and singer-songwriter Errollyn Wallen.
The Washington Post
Pianist plays with grace under pressure – Yeol Eum Son
The drama of a solo piano recital lies in a performer measuring herself against perilous musical demands.
With construction of the West Kowloon Cultural District in full swing, and the Xiqu Centre soon to open, Hong Kong is becoming an increasingly lively destination for arts lovers.
Süddeutschte Zeitung
Musik Im Spannungsfeld – Abschlusskonzert der Fürstenfelder Konzertreihe
Es gibt Zeiträume in der Musikgeschichte, in denen es besonders lohnend ist, die gegenseitige Beeinflussung von komponierenden Zeitgenossen zu beobachten.
Der Tagesspiegel
Oper an der Eisler-Hochschule – Nach den Sternen greifen
Furiose Gesangsdarbietungen und eine witzige Geschichte: Joseph Haydns Oper „Il mondo della luna“ an der Hanns-Eisler-Hochschule für Musik.
Luzerner Sinfonieorchester startet Crowdfunding-Kampagne für Probenhaus
Der Bau eines eigenen Probenhauses für das Luzerner Sinfonieorchester ist ein strategisches Hauptziel der das Orchester tragenden Stiftung. Diesem Ziel komme sowohl künstlerisch wie auch logistisch eine große Bedeutung zu, sagt das Orchester.
france musique
L’Orchestre de Paris sera rattaché à la Philharmonie en 2019
L’Orchestre de Paris, jusque-là entité indépendante, sera intégré à la Philharmonie de Paris, d’ici à 2019, ont annoncé le ministère de la Culture et la mairie de Paris.

Daniel Lütolf, Head of Crowdfunding bei der LUKB (left), Numa Bischof Ullmann, Intendant of Luzerner Sinfonieorchesters. © ida