
14th October: Classical music isn’t doing enough to support musicians’ mental health, Pianist dedicates music prize Opus to victims of terrorist attack, Opera undergoing rejuvenation

Monday 14th October 2019

Classical music isn’t doing enough to support musicians’ mental health, survey reveals

A survey by Classical Music has found that people working in the industry feel there are major shortcomings in the provision of mental health services in the industry. Out of the group surveyed, 82 per cent responded with the belief there are gaps in the provision of mental health services for musicians, while 65 per cent said that they don’t receive sufficient information about the services available. Two thirds (63 per cent) of the people surveyed responded that they have accessed professional services to try and overcome stress or mental health difficulties caused by work. Meanwhile, a third (32 per cent) said they have even used alcohol or other substances to help them to cope at work.

Pianist widmet Musikpreis Opus den Opfern des Terroranschlags

Berlin/Halle – Der Pianist Igor Levit hat seine Auszeichnung mit dem Opus Klassik als Instrumentalist des Jahres auch den Opfern des Terroranschlags von Halle gewidmet. «Nach NSU, nach unzähligen Angriffen auf Moscheen, auf Synagogen, jüdische Friedhöfe, Flüchtlingsheime etc. ist das, was hier passiert ist, keine Überraschung», sagte Levit am Sonntag bei der Preisverleihung im Konzerthaus am Gendarmenmarkt in Berlin.
Der Musiker wurde für sein Album «Life» ausgezeichnet. Wenige Stunden zuvor hatte er sich in Berlin an der Demonstration der Initiative «Unteilbar» gegen Antisemitismus und rechte Gewalt beteiligt und ein Klavierstück zum Ende des Protestzuges gespielt.

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Pianist dedicates music prize Opus to victims of terrorist attack

Berlin/Halle – Pianist Igor Levit has dedicated his Opus Klassik award as Instrumentalist of the Year to the victims of the terrorist attack in Halle. “After NSU, after countless attacks on mosques, synagogues, Jewish cemeteries, refugee homes, etc., what happened here is no surprise,” Levit said on Sunday at the awards ceremony in the Konzerthaus am Gendarmenmarkt in Berlin.
The musician was awarded for his album “Life”. A few hours earlier he had taken part in the demonstration of the initiative “Unteilbar” against anti-Semitism and right-wing violence in Berlin and played a piano piece at the end of the protest march.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

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L’opéra à l’épreuve du rajeunissement

L’ouverture lyrique parisienne divise. La modernité éteint «Les Indes galantes» mais vivifie «La Traviata». Jusqu’où aller dans le rajeunissement mené au pas de charge dans les maisons d’opéra? Séduire et attirer de nouveaux publics: les scènes lyriques disputent une course effrénée au rajeunissement. Méthode dure ou douce? Chirurgie radicale ou produits de jouvence? Dans le domaine de l’esthétique, la seconde solution s’avère plus tentante, tant les ravages de la première option épouvantent parfois. A l’opéra, la problématique cosmétique est assez similaire. Entre défiguration et regain de fraîcheur, la frontière est mince. Quelques metteurs en scène en viennent à dénaturer l’âme des partitions sans ménagement. Pour ce début de saison lyrique, les deux productions d’ouverture de l’Opéra national de Paris illustrent particulièrement bien ce dilemme.

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Opera undergoing rejuvenation

The Parisian lyrical overture divides. Modernity extinguishes “Les Indes galantes” but invigorates “La Traviata”. How far can we go in the rejuvenation led to the step of charge in opera houses? Attracting and attracting new audiences: opera houses are engaged in a frantic race to rejuvenate. Hard or soft method? Radical surgery or rejuvenation products? In the field of aesthetics, the second solution is more tempting, as the ravages of the first option are sometimes frightening. In opera, the cosmetic problem is quite similar. Between disfiguration and renewed freshness, the border is thin. A few directors have come to distort the soul of the scores bluntly. For this early opera season, the two opening productions of the Paris Opera are a particularly good illustration of this dilemma.

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