
12th January: Classical radio station for kids, Corona-study shows safety in concert halls, La Folle Journée postponed

Tuesday 12th January 2021

Fun Kids Classical radio station to get young into Mozart

Britain’s first classical music radio station aimed at children is launched today, offering a playlist ranging from Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star to Tchaikovsky.
Fun Kids Classical is aimed at 6 to 12-year-olds and their parents, looking for a “calming and contemplative” alternative to pop stations.

The digital station has been created with Lang Lang, the chart-topping Chinese pianist who performed at the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in 2012.
It is unveiled today by the Fun Kids radio network, which began broadcasting nationally in 2016 and now reaches 300,000 children a month.

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Studie: Kaum Corona-Ansteckung in Konzerthäusern

In Konzertsälen mit geeigneter Lüftungsanlage kann die Gefahr einer Corona-Infektion durch Aerosolübertragung “nahezu ausgeschlossen werden”. Das ergab eine Studie des Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Instituts Goslar, teilte das Konzerthaus Dortmund am Montag mit. Würden alle Zuschauer einen Mund-Nasen-Schutz tragen, sei theoretisch sogar eine Vollbesetzung im Saal denkbar. Unter Einbezug der Zuwege und Foyers werde jedoch eine Saalbelegung im Schachbrettmuster und damit 50 Prozent der Saalkapazität empfohlen.

Die von dem Konzerthaus in Auftrag gegebene Untersuchung erfolgte in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Umweltbundesamt und Hygieneexperten. Es sei die erste veröffentlichte Studie, die experimentelle Daten zur Beurteilung einer möglichen Corona-Ansteckungsgefahr bei Besuchen von Konzerthäusern gewinnen sollte.

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Study: Hardly any Coronavirus infections in concert halls

In concert halls with suitable ventilation systems, the risk of Corona infection through aerosol transmission can be “virtually ruled out”. This was the result of a study by the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute in Goslar, the Dortmund Concert Hall announced on Monday. If all audience members wore mouth-nose protection, even a full house in the hall would theoretically be conceivable. However, taking into account the access routes and foyers, a chessboard seating pattern is recommended, i.e. 50 per cent of the hall’s capacity.

The study commissioned by the concert hall was conducted in cooperation with the Federal Environmental Agency and hygiene experts. It was the first published study to obtain experimental data to assess the possible risk of corona infection during visits to concert halls.

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René Martin : “Il est plus sage de reporter La Folle Journée de Nantes”

Le directeur artistique de La Folle Journée de Nantes, René Martin, déclare au micro de Jean-Baptiste Urbain le report de la 27e édition de La Folle Journée au 9, 10 et 11 avril 2021, initialement prévue du 3 au 7 février prochain et privilégiant une version réduite avec 40 à 50 concerts.

La Folle Journée annonçait il y a quelques jours l’annulation de ses concerts en région, prévus dans une quinzaine de villes autour de Nantes les 30 et 31 janvier prochain. Suite au discours de Jean Castex de fermer les lieux culturels jusqu’à début février, au minimum, les organisateurs n’ont pas eu d’autres choix que d’annuler ces concerts.

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René Martin: “It is wiser to postpone La Folle Journée de Nantes”

The artistic director of La Folle Journée de Nantes, René Martin, declares at the microphone of Jean-Baptiste Urbain the postponement of the 27th edition of La Folle Journée to 9, 10 and 11 April 2021, initially scheduled from 3 to 7 February and favouring a reduced version with 40 to 50 concerts.

A few days ago La Folle Journée announced the cancellation of its regional concerts, scheduled in some fifteen towns around Nantes on 30 and 31 January. Following Jean Castex’s speech to close the cultural venues until the beginning of February at the very least, the organisers had no choice but to cancel these concerts.

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