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Corinne Morris - WildKat

Corinne Morris


British/French cellist Corinne Morris successfully re-launched her career after a seven-year break following a debilitating shoulder injury that left her unable to perform simple daily tasks let alone play the cello.

Corinne was injured at the time that she was just about to sign on with a prestigious artist management company. Affectionately nicknamed ‘Corinotshka’ by Rostropovich, Corinne obtained her ARCM diploma from the Royal College of Music with honours at age 16, and completed postgraduate studies at the Conservatoire in Paris. Her long list of accomplishments include being chosen by Rostropovich to perform at his festival in Evian, being invited to take part in the International Cello Festival in Kronberg in Germany, and recording her debut recital for BBC Radio 3.

Corinne’s re-launch was marked by an 11-piece recording, Macedonian Sessions highlighting the depth and range of her talent. Recorded with the Macedonian Radio Symphony Orchestra, it featured music from Tchaikovsky, Bruch, Fauré, Saint-Saens and Piazzolla, along with an original self-penned composition.


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