UK Music diversity taskforce calls on industry to dump ‘outdated and offensive’ BAME acronym
In an official press release, UK Music’s Diversity Taskforce said that – following wide-ranging discussions across the music industry and after holding a series of focus groups – it is spearheading calls to ditch the term because it is seen as “misleading and inappropriate by many, particularly those from diverse communities.”
The demand comes ahead of the publication later this month of UK Music’s report into diversity across the UK music industry, which will launch the Taskforce’s ground-breaking Ten-Point Plan. The Taskforce hopes that ending the use of the term is a way of acknowledge the unique experiences of people from different ethnic backgrounds and that the move will pave the way for greater discussion and insight in the future. You can read a statement by the UK Music’s Diversity Taskforce chair Ammo Talwar MBE below:
“Our report on workforce diversity in the music industry highlights where positive progress is being made, but also where more strategic long-term work and investment is urgently needed. There is now an unstoppable momentum for change at pace to rapidly improve diversity in the music business and across society…

Rentrée difficile pour les conservatoires
La rentrée 2020 a été particulièrement difficile pour les conservatoires, quelle que soit leur taille, à cause du coronavirus. Un début de saison compliqué à mettre en place. Reportage de Laurent Borde.
Pour les conservatoires, la rentrée 2020 a été particulière à cause du coronavirus. Tout a dû être repensé, renouvelé, réactualisé afin de respecter les règles sanitaires obligatoires. Des règles difficiles pour tous les conservatoires, quelle que soit leur taille. Jean-Luc Tourret, directeur du Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional de Boulogne Billancourt explique qu’“il a fallu, à la fois, rassurer, mais aussi pouvoir donner un axe fort à toutes et à tous. On avait bien évidemment anticipé parce que nous sommes dans un bâtiment qui est quand même assez grand et qui accueille plus de 3000 élèves, pas forcément simultanément, mais le conservatoire et d’autres associations sont hébergées dans nos locaux.
Il a fallu réfléchir à un plan de circulation, à tout ce qui est gestes barrières, acquisition de matériel, etc… Mais effectivement, l’accès au bâtiment, plus la circulation, plus l’accès aux étages, ça a été vraiment quelque chose qui a dû être vu et revu pour maintenir au maximum la sécurité de tout le monde.”

Difficult start for conservatoires
The start of the 2020 school year was particularly difficult for conservatories, whatever their size, because of the coronavirus. A complicated start to the season. Report by Laurent Borde.
For the conservatories, the start of the new school year in 2020 was special because of the coronavirus. Everything had to be rethought, renewed, updated in order to respect the obligatory sanitary rules. Difficult rules for all conservatories, whatever their size. Jean-Luc Tourret, director of the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional de Boulogne Billancourt explains that “it was necessary to reassure, but also to be able to give a strong focus to everyone. We had obviously anticipated this because we are in a building which is nevertheless quite large and which accommodates more than 3000 pupils, not necessarily simultaneously, but the Conservatoire and other associations are housed on our premises.
We had to think about a circulation plan, all the barrier gestures, acquisition of equipment, etc… But indeed, the access to the building, plus the circulation, plus the access to the floors, it was really something that had to be seen and reviewed in order to maintain everyone’s safety as much as possible”.
Ein Wald für Bach: Kampagne für drei Hektar Wald gestartet
Ein Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Wald soll am Störmthaler See im Landkreis Leipzig entstehen. Das Projekt «Ein Wald für Bach» wurde von dem Intendanten des Bachfestes Leipzig, Michael Maul, initiiert, der damit die CO2-Bilanz des internationalen Festivals verbessern möchte, wie die Veranstalter des Bachfestes am Mittwoch mitteilten. Mehr als die Hälfte der Festivalgäste nutzten das Flugzeug, so wie auch die internationalen Solisten und Ensembles, erläuterte Maul. «Die Gleichung ist simpel: je internationaler ein Festival, desto problematisch die CO2-Bilanz. Dies zu ändern, liegt nicht in unserer Macht. Aber wir möchten einen nachhaltigen Ausgleich schaffen.»
Eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne soll bis zum 6. Dezember 2020 die noch fehlenden Gelder für die ersten drei Hektar Wald bringen.

A forest for Bach: campaign launched for three hectares of forest
A Johann Sebastian Bach forest is to be created on Lake Störmthal in the district of Leipzig. The project “A Forest for Bach” was initiated by the director of the Bach Festival Leipzig, Michael Maul, who wants to improve the CO2 balance of the international festival, as the organisers of the Bach Festival announced on Wednesday. More than half of the festival guests used the plane, as did the international soloists and ensembles, Maul explained. “The equation is simple: the more international a festival, the more problematic the CO2 balance. Changing this is not within our power. But we want to create a sustainable balance“.
A crowdfunding campaign is to bring in the missing funds for the first three hectares of forest by 6 December 2020.