
16th March: World Symposium on Choral Music and Jugend musiziert cancelled because of COVID-19, Spotify wants to charge record labels for its services

Monday 16th March 2020

COVID-19 pandemic cancels World Symposium on Choral Music

The 12th World Symposium on Choral Music (WSCM) due to take place in Auckland, New Zealand, in July 2020 has been cancelled, it was announced today.The news comes as events all over the world are being cancelled as a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic.WSCM2020 artistic director John Rosser said in a statement, ‘We have all witnessed the massive impact the spread of COVID-19 is having on current and upcoming events across the world. There is no guarantee that this situation will have changed markedly by July.

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Deutscher Musikrat sagt Wettbewerb Jugend musiziert ab

Der Deutsche Musikrat hat zur Eindämmung des Coronavirus alle Veranstaltungen bis Anfang Juni abgesagt. Damit soll die weitere Verbreitung verlangsamt werden. Die Absage betrifft unter anderem den Bundeswettbewerb “Jugend musiziert“, den “Deutschen Orchesterwettbewerb” und die Fachtagung “MehrMusikInDerSchule”. Generalsekretär Christian Höppner und Geschäftsführer Stefan Piendl halten die Absage für die “einzig verantwortbare Entscheidung”. Da normalerweise tausende Personen an den Veranstaltungen des Deutschen Musikrates teilnehmen, nehme man die Aufforderung, Sozialkontakte zu vermeiden, besonders ernst.

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German Music Council cancels competition Jugend musiziert

To reduce the spread of coronavirus, the German Music Council has cancelled all events until the beginning of June. This is intended to slow down the further spread of the virus. The cancellations affect, among others, the national competition “Jugend musiziert”, the “Deutscher Orchesterwettbewerb” and the symposium “MehrMusikInDerSchule”. General Secretary Christian Höppner and Managing Director Stefan Piendl consider the cancellation to be the “only responsible decision”. Since normally thousands of people take part in the events of the German Music Council, the call to avoid social contacts is taken particularly seriously.

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Spotify veut faire payer les maisons de disques

Les services de streaming ont redonné un nouvel élan à l’industrie de la musique. Spotify souhaite désormais en profiter. Et ce, en expérimentant la publicité payante pour les maisons de disques aux États-Unis. Depuis sa création, Spotify propose un modèle payant, sans publicité pour les utilisateurs. En septembre 2017, Spotify avait testé la mise en ligne de titres et albums des artistes indépendants, sans passer par des intermédiaires, avant d’y mettre un terme l’année dernière. Face aux déficits et aux pressions des investisseurs, l’entreprise souhaite faire évoluer son modèle économique en renversant ce système, au grand dam des artistes indépendants.

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Spotify wants to charge record labels for its services

Streaming services have given the music industry new impetus. Now Spotify wants to take advantage of it. And it’s doing so by experimenting with paid advertising for record companies in the US. Since its inception, Spotify has offered a pay-per-view model, with no advertising for users. In September 2017, Spotify tested putting independent artists’ tracks and albums online, without intermediaries, before ending it last year. Faced with deficits and pressure from investors, the company wants to change its business model by reversing this system, much to the irritation of independent artists.

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