UK musicians lose £13.9m in earnings so far due to coronavirus

UK musicians have already lost an estimated £13.9m in earnings because of coronavirus, according to a Musicians’ Union survey.
The organisation, which has 32,000 members and is the main trade union for the sector in the UK, surveyed its members over the impact of the outbreak, and received more than 4,100 responses. Ninety per cent of respondents said their income had already been affected.
The MU’s general secretary, Horace Trubridge, announced a new hardship fund that will pay grants of £200 to out-of-work musicians, saying: “We hope this fund goes some way to providing a small amount of relief to our members, but we urgently need the government to provide clarity on what wider support will be available, and we call on the record industry to play its part, too.”
Coronavirus: GEMA will geschlossene Betriebe von Tantiemen befreien
Die GEMA hat Spielstätten, Kulturbetriebe und Freizeiteinrichtungen von Lizenzgebühren für Musik entbunden. Institutionen, die wegen des Coronavirus zwangsläufig geschlossen sind, müssen in nächster Zeit keine Tantiemen für die Nutzung GEMA-pflichtiger Musik bezahlen. Die von der Regierung geforderten Schließungen seien aus Sicht der Gesellschaft sinnvoll und sollten nicht mit zusätzlichen Gebühren bestraft werde. Die neue Regelung gelte rückwirkend ab Mitte März.
Auch bezüglich ihrer Pauschalverträge gab die GEMA eine Änderung bekannt. Normalerweise sind Livestreams von Institutionen wie der Kirche oder auch Tanzschulen vom Vertrag ausgeschlossen und müssen gesondert bezahlt werden. Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation soll auch während der Übertragungen der Pauschalvertrag gelten, schließlich ersetzten sie derzeit die normalen Veranstaltungen. Auch wenn der Stream heruntergeladen werde, sei keine seperate Lizenzierung notwendig.
Coronavirus: GEMA wants to free closed operations from fees
GEMA has exempted the performing arts, cultural institutions and leisure facilities from paying royalties for music. Institutions that are inevitably closed down because of the corona virus will not have to pay royalties for the use of music subject to GEMA in the near future. The closures demanded by the government were sensible from the society’s point of view and should not be punished with additional fees. The new regulation would apply from mid-March onwards.
GEMA also announced a change with regard to its lump-sum agreements. Normally, live streams from institutions such as the church or even dance schools are excluded from the contract and have to be paid separately. Due to the current situation, the flat-rate contract will also apply during broadcasts, after all, they are currently replacing the normal events. Even if the stream is downloaded, no separate licensing is necessary.
Pour les danseurs professionnels, l’entraînement continue, à la maison
#Danceathome. #Theshowmustgoon. #Nevergiveup. Sur Instagram, les hashtags « danse confinée » se marchent sur les chaussons pendant que les vidéos de danseurs s’entraînant entre leur chambre et le salon, voire dans leur jardin avec leur chien, se télescopent. « Mon bar devient ma barre », s’amuse Marie-Agnès Gillot, la jambe levée au milieu de sa cuisine. Du Ballet junior de Genève au Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, à New York, en passant par l’Opéra national de Paris, dont les productions, spectacles et cours sont annulés, tous les interprètes cherchent des solutions pour « garder leur corps en forme » en s’adaptant à la situation. Pour un art qui œuvre en groupe, s’invente au corps à corps, autant dire que le « télétravail » sonne terriblement étrange.

For professional dancers, training continues at home.
#Danceathome.# #Theshowmustgoon. #Nevergiveup. On Instagram, the “confined dance” hashtags walk on slippers while videos of dancers practicing between their bedroom and living room, or even in their backyard with their dogs, telescope each other. “My bar becomes my bar,” laughs Marie-Agnès Gillot, her leg raised in the middle of her kitchen. From the Ballet junior de Genève to the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in New York, via the Opéra national de Paris, whose productions, shows and classes have been cancelled, all the performers are looking for solutions to “keep their bodies in shape” by adapting to the situation. For an art form that works in a group, that invents itself in hand-to-hand combat, “teleworking” sounds terribly strange.