
14th December: ‘Crown jewels of UK culture’ offered ‘lifeline’, German Cultural Council calls for more aid for culture, Fed up with “being non-essential”

Monday 14th December 2020

‘Crown jewels of UK culture’ offered ‘lifeline’ in next round of CRF

Today, the next portion of the government’s £1.57 billion Culture Recovery Fund (CRF) has been announced, providing a ‘lifeline’ to arts and heritage organisations around the country including the Royal Albert Hall, National Theatre, the Royal Shakespeare Company, Nottingham’s Broadway, and more.

Arts Council England, who is distributing the funds, announced that the Capital Kickstart Fund will deliver £58.8 million in grants to 74 arts organisations of all sizes whose capital projects were impacted by the pandemic. 

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Deutscher Kulturrat fordert weitere Hilfen für Kultur

Angesichts des harten Lockdowns ab Mittwoch fordert der Deutsche Kulturrat zusätzliche Hilfen für die Kultur. Dieser drohe eine weitere Verschärfung der «seit Monaten extrem angespannten Situation», teilte der Spitzenverband der Bundeskulturverbände am Sonntag in Berlin mit.

Geschäftsführer Olaf Zimmermann sagte, die Not sei sehr groß. «Betroffen sind die Unternehmen der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft genauso wie die öffentlichen Kultureinrichtungen und die soloselbstständigen Künstlerinnen und Künstler.» Unter anderem verlangt der Kulturrat, für das überzeichnete Bundesprogramm «Neustart Kultur» erneut eine Milliarde Euro bereitzustellen.

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German Cultural Council calls for more aid for culture

In view of the hard lockdown starting on Wednesday, the German Cultural Council is calling for additional aid for culture. The leading federation of federal cultural associations announced in Berlin on Sunday that the “situation, which has been extremely tense for months,” was threatening to become even worse.

Managing director Olaf Zimmermann said that the need was very great. “Companies in the cultural and creative industries are affected just as much as public cultural institutions and solo self-employed artists.” Among other things, the Cultural Council demands that one billion euros be made available again for the oversubscribed federal programme “Neustart Kultur”.

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Le ras-le-bol des « pas essentiels » face au refus de rouvrir les salles de spectacle

Devant une décision dont la justification sanitaire peine à être établie, les artistes manifestent leur sentiment d’injustice, tandis qu’une partie des organisations professionnelles a décidé de déposer un recours en référé-liberté. Et si la véritable raison du report de l’ouverture des salles tenait au risque économique ?

Le chanteur Grands Corps Malade, dont le pseudonyme n’aura jamais si bien résumé l’état de tout une profession, a su capter une nouvelle fois l’esprit du temps avec sa chanson Pas essentiel, dont le titre s’est affiché mardi en rouge sur la façade de l’Olympia, à l’occasion du tournage de son clip. La palme de l’agit-prop de la semaine revient toutefois aux musiciens de l’Orchestre de Pau Pays de Béarn. Depuis le 8 décembre et jusqu’au 15, ses instrumentistes à cordes ont décidé de se produire… dans les bus !

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Refusal to reopen concert venues: artists are fed up with being “non-essential”

Faced with a decision whose health justification is difficult to establish, the artists expressed their feeling of injustice, while some of the professional organisations decided to file an appeal for summary proceedings. What if the real reason for the postponement of the opening of the theatres was the economic risk?

The singer Grands Corps Malade, whose pseudonym will never have summed up the state of a whole profession so well, has once again captured the spirit of the times with his song “Pas essentiel”, the title of which was displayed in red on Tuesday on the facade of the Olympia, during the shooting of his video clip. The prize for the agit-prop of the week goes to the musicians of the Orchestra of Pau Pays de Béarn. Since December 8th and until the 15th, its string players have decided to perform…on the buses!

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