
24 March: ‘Culture in Quarantine’ festival, Manu Dibango died, Lübeck Brahms Festival

Tuesday 24th March 2020

BBC announces ‘Culture in Quarantine’ festival

In response to theatre closures, the BBC will be streaming performances straight to living rooms across the UK.
Including pre-recorded performances of productions, such as Mike Bartlett’s Albion and Emma Rices’ Wise Children, performances of new plays especially written for broadcast and readings of poetry and books, the BBC’s ‘Culture in Quarantine’ festival will ‘help keep the nation informed, educated and entertained.’
Performances will be broadcast on BBC2, BBC4, BBC Radio 3 and BBC Radio 4, as well as on digital platforms. Radio 4 will broadcast plays from its archive and BBC Sounds will allow users to stream modern podcast dramas. Other programmes such as exercises classes, educational resources for children and classical concerts will also be included as part of the festival’s offering.

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Le saxophoniste Manu Dibango est mort des suites du coronavirus

Sa famille pensait la maladie derrière lui, le Ciovid-19 l’a finalement rattrapé. Testé positif il y a une semaine, hospitalisé, et retourné chez lui ce reposé, le grand Manu Dibango s’est finalement éteint mardi 24 mars. Il avait 86 ans. Avec plus de 60 ans de carrière internationale, Manu Dibango était une figure incontournable de la vie musicale. Son dernier projet, son Safari Symphonique, était un voyage à travers les racines de la musique noire venue d’Afrique, un savant mélange de rythmes traditionnels de son Cameroun natal et des sonorités jazzy, les sons de la forêt équatoriale, le souffle du vent du désert qui vont à la rencontre de la pure tradition de la musique classique européenne. L’Orchestre Lamoureux accompagnait Manu Dibango et son Soul Mokassa Gang.

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Saxophonist Manu Dibango died of coronavirus

His family thought the illness was behind him, Ciovid-19 finally caught up with him. Tested positive a week ago, hospitalized, and returned home rested, the great Manu Dibango finally died Tuesday, March 24. He was 86 years old. With more than 60 years of international career, Manu Dibango was an essential figure in musical life. His last project, his Symphonic Safari, was a journey through the roots of black music from Africa, a skilful blend of traditional rhythms from his native Cameroon and jazzy sounds, the sounds of the equatorial forest, the breath of the desert wind, all of which meet the pure tradition of European classical music. The Lamoureux Orchestra accompanied Manu Dibango and his Soul Mokassa Gang.

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Lübecker Brahms-Festival auf 2021 verschoben

Das Brahms-Festival Lübeck wird von Mai dieses Jahres auf 2021 verschoben. Die aktuelle Ausgabe, die unter dem Motto “Ganz Ohr” geplant war, kann wegen des Coronavirus nicht stattfinden. Laut Veranstalter waren rund 250 Musiker und 37 Veranstaltungen geplant. Für den Termin im nächsten Jahr haben Teilnehmer, die im kommenden Jahr gar nicht mehr an der Hochschule arbeiten werden, bereits zugesagt.
Das Lübecker Brahms-Festival findet seit 1992 jährlich statt. Organisiert wird es von der Musikhochschule Lübeck, die auch das Brahms-Institut beherbergt, das über eine der größten Sammlungen zu Leben und Werk des in Hamburg geborenen Komponisten verfügt.

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Lübeck Brahms Festival postponed to 2021

The Brahms Festival Lübeck is postponed from May this year to 2021. The current edition, which was planned under the motto “All ears”, cannot be held because of the corona virus. According to the organizers, about 250 musicians and 37 events were planned. For next year’s date, participants who will not be working at the university at all next year have already confirmed.
The Lübeck Brahms Festival has taken place annually since 1992. It is organized by the University of Music Lübeck, which is also home to the Brahms Institute, which has one of the largest collections on the life and work of the Hamburg-born composer.

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