Dallas Symphony To Host 2021 Women in Classical Music Symposium
To be held on November 7-10, 2021, at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center in Dallas, Texas, this year’s focus is “The Future is Female – Inspiring Women in Top Leadership Positions.” Administrators, educators, musicians, and conductors from all over the world will come together to discuss topics relevant to women in the classical music industry.
The 2021 symposium honors Grammy Award-winning soprano Renée Fleming, who will receive the Award of Excellence. Soprano Leah Hawkins was chosen by Fleming for this year’s Career Advancement Award, which will be presented at the conference.

Prix Ars Electronica für Komponist Alexander Schubert
Komponist Alexander Schubert erhält für sein Werk “Convergence” den mit 10.000 Euro dotierten diesjährigen Prix Ars Electronica in der Kategorie “Digital Musics & Sound Art”. Er führt mit seinem Werk vor Augen, wie fragil die Wirklichkeit ist, die oft unveränderlich scheint. In der 35-Minuten-Performance spielen Menschen gemeinsam mit ihren mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) kreierten Avataren.
Alexander Schubert, geboren 1979 in Bremen, studierte in Leipzig Informatik und Kognitionswissenschaften, parallel dazu war er als Musiker und Komponist tätig.

Prix Ars Electronica for composer Alexander Schubert
Composer Alexander Schubert has been awarded this year’s Prix Ars Electronica in the category “Digital Musics & Sound Art” for his work “Convergence”, endowed with 10,000 euros. In his work, he wanted to illustrate the fragility of reality, which often seems to be unchangeable. In the 35-minute performance, people play together with their avatars created by artificial intelligence (AI).
Alexander Schubert, born in Bremen in 1979, studied computer science and cognitive science in Leipzig, and worked as a musician and composer at the same time.
Oui à un Nixon noir, mais non au yellowface ?
Le Scottish Opera, basé à Glasgow, a présenté ses excuses pour ne pas avoir engagé assez d’artistes asiatiques dans le “Nixon in China” de John Adams.
« Nous sommes profondément désolés pour l’offense causée par la distribution de notre production de 2020 de Nixon in China de John Adams », a écrit sur son compte Twitter le Scottish Opera.
En cause : le yellowface (pratique consistant à grimer des acteurs occidentaux en personnes asiatiques) auquel aurait eu recours la compagnie basée à Glasgow. […] Les responsables ont aussi a décidé de retirer la candidature du Scottish Opera au South Bank Sky Arts Awards (un prix britannique décerné aux arts de la scène).

Scottish Opera apologises over ‘yellow face’ row
The Scottish Opera, based in Glasgow, has apologised for not casting enough Asian artists in John Adams’ Nixon in China. “We are deeply sorry for the offence caused by the casting of our 2020 production of John Adams’ Nixon in China,” wrote Scottish Opera on its Twitter account.
The reason for the outrage was the use of ‘yellow face’ (the practice of casting Western actors to portray Asian people), which the Glasgow-based company had allegedly adopted. […] As consequence, the Scottish Opera management has decided to withdraw from the South Bank Sky Arts Awards.