Dominque Meyer Appeals to Italian Government to Vaccinate All Artists
Following 45 positive cases at the Teatro alla Scala, Superintendent Dominque Meyer has issued an appeal to the Italian government.
In the appeal, Meyer asked the government to have all performers at all Italian theaters rapidly vaccinated.
He said, “We need to open all Italian theaters. There is only one solution for artists who can not use masks like singers, choristers, actors, dancers, and winder players. Vaccinate them.”

Alexander Steinbeis wird neuer Intendant des Kissinger Sommers
Der neue Intendant des Kissinger Sommers heißt Alexander Steinbeis. Das hat die Stadt Bad Kissingen nun öffentlich gemacht, nachdem der Vertrag unter Dach und Fach ist. Der Stadtrat hatte sich bereits vor einem Monat auf Steinbeis festgelegt. Er wird 2022 Nachfolger von Tilman Schlömp, dessen Vertrag 2021 ausläuft.
Alexander Steinbeis wurde 1974 in München geboren und ist studierter Kulturmanager. 13 Jahre lang hatte er zuletzt als Direktor das Deutsche Symphonie-Orchester Berlin (DSO) geleitet. Zuvor war Steinbeis sieben Jahre lang stellvertretender Leiter der künstlerischen Planung des Boston Symphony Orchestras und des von diesem Klangkörper gegründeten Tanglewood Festivals, dem wohl bedeutendsten US-Klassikfestival.

Alexander Steinbeis becomes the new artistic director of the Kissinger Sommer
The new artistic director of the Kissinger Sommer is Alexander Steinbeis. The city of Bad Kissingen has made this public now that the contract is signed and sealed. The city council had already decided on Steinbeis a month ago. He will succeed Tilman Schlömp in 2022, whose contract expires in 2021.
Alexander Steinbeis was born in Munich in 1974 and studied cultural management. Until recently, he was director of the German Symphony Orchestra Berlin (DSO) for 13 years. Before that, Steinbeis was the deputy director of artistic planning for the Boston Symphony Orchestra and the Tanglewood Festival, one of the most important US classical music festivals.
Une semaine après l’occupation du Théâtre de l’Odéon, le mouvement espère essaimer
La mobilisation peine encore à faire le plein. La ministre de la culture a jugé, mercredi, « inutile » et « dangereuse » l’occupation des lieux culturels pour réclamer leur réouverture. […]
Ils sont une cinquantaine d’intermittents du spectacle à avoir envahi, à l’initiative de la CGT, une partie du théâtre – laissant, dans l’autre, les équipes travailler, et dans la grande salle, Christophe Honoré et ses acteurs répéter Le Ciel de Nantes. Objectif : mettre la pression sur le gouvernement quant au sort de la culture sinistrée par le confinement. Et ça marche.

One week after the occupation of the Odéon Theatre, the movement hopes to spread
The mobilisation is still struggling to fill up. The Minister of Culture judged on Wednesday that the occupation of cultural venues to demand their reopening was “useless” and “dangerous”. […]
There are about fifty intermittent workers who have invaded, on the initiative of the CGT, a part of the theatre – leaving, in the other, the teams working, and in the large room, Christophe Honoré and his actors rehearsing Le Ciel de Nantes. The aim was to put pressure on the government regarding the fate of culture, which had been stricken by the lockdown. And it works.