
17th December: Donatella Flick LSO Conducting Competition, Baden-Württemberg Cultural Award, Philippe Entremont have his hologram

Tuesday 17th December 2019

Applications open for Donatella Flick LSO Conducting Competition

Applications have opened for the 16th Donatella Flick LSO Conducting Competition, which takes place from 27 February – 1 March 2021. The winner receives £15,000 and becomes assistant conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra (LSO).
Conductors aged 30 and under from across Europe are invited to enter. A shortlist of 20 will compete over three rounds in front of conductors Ivor Bolton, Sian Edwards, Kirill Karabits and Vassily Sinaisky, as well as composer and conductor Sir James MacMillan and Rachel Gough, LSO principal bassoon. Violinist Lennox Mackenzie, who retired as LSO sub-leader in 2018, returns to chair the panel.

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Anne-Sophie Mutter erhält Kulturpreis Baden-Württemberg

Die Violinistin Anne-Sophie Mutter (56) erhält den mit 20.000 Euro dotierten Kulturpreis Baden-Württemberg 2020. Die fünfköpfige Jury lobte „ihr unermüdliches Engagement in der Nachwuchsförderung und ihr bemerkenswertes gesellschaftliches Verantwortungsgefühl“, hieß es in einer Mitteilung der Baden-Württemberg Stiftung. Zusammen mit der herausragenden Kraft und Tiefe ihrer Interpretationskunst sowie ihrer großen Offenheit für unterschiedliche Epochen und Genres mache das die viermalige Grammy-Award-Gewinnerin zu „einer vorbildhaften Botschafterin ihrer Heimat Baden-Württemberg“. Neben der Förderung des musikalischen Spitzennachwuchses, wofür sie 1997 die „Freundeskreis Anne-Sophie Mutter Stiftung“ gründete, engagiere sich die Musikerin auch bei medizinischen und sozialen Problemen, hieß es weiter.

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Anne-Sophie Mutter receives Baden-Württemberg Cultural Award

The violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter (56) will receive the Baden-Württemberg Culture Prize 2020, endowed with 20,000 euros. The five-member jury praised “her tireless commitment to promoting young talent and her remarkable sense of social responsibility,” according to a statement by the Baden-Württemberg Foundation.

Together with the outstanding power and depth of her art of interpretation and her great openness to different epochs and genres, this makes the four-time Grammy Award winner “an exemplary ambassador of her native Baden-Württemberg”.

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Philippe Entremont 1er artiste classique vivant à disposer de son hologramme

La presse suisse a révélé que le pianiste rémois de 85 ans, aux 7000 récitals donnés à travers le monde et 350 enregistrements réalisés, a participé mi-novembre, pendant 3 trois jours, à un enregistrement afin de créer son hologramme qui permettra de le voir jouer « ad vitam aeternam». Une représentation sera organisée en 2020. Elle permettra de découvrir Philippe Entremont assister à un récital de son double virtuel dans une grande salle de concert. « C’est formidable, je suis toujours pour la nouveauté et ne suis pas passéiste du tout. Lorsqu’on m’a proposé de réaliser cet hologramme, je n’ai pas hésité une minute. D’autant plus que c’était en Suisse, à La Chaux-de-Fonds, dans une salle de concert mythique, là où ont été réalisés les meilleurs enregistrements du monde » a déclaré Philippe Entremont au site swissinfo.ch. Au total, lors de cette séance d’enregistrement, Philippe Entremont a enregistré 7 œuvres de Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Debussy et Mozart dont on ne connaît pas encore le détail. C’est la start-up vaudoise Cybel’Art qui est à l’origine de cette initiative.

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Philippe Entremont 1st living classical artist to have his hologram

The Swiss press revealed that the 85-year-old pianist from Reims, with 7,000 recitals given throughout the world and 350 recordings made, participated in mid-November, for three days, in a recording to create his hologram that will allow him to watch him play “ad vitam aeternam”. A representation will be organised in 2020. It will allow you to discover Philippe Entremont and attend a recital of his virtual double in a large concert hall. “It’s great, I’m always for the new and I’m not a pastor at all. When I was asked to make this hologram, I didn’t hesitate for a minute. Especially since it was in Switzerland, in La Chaux-de-Fonds, in a mythical concert hall, where the best recordings in the world were made,” Philippe Entremont told swissinfo.ch. In total, during this recording session, Philippe Entremont recorded 7 works by Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Debussy and Mozart, the details of which are not yet known. It is the Waldensian start-up Cybel’Art that is at the origin of this initiative.

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