Edinburgh International Festival unveils 2021 plans
The Edinburgh International Festival has today announced its 2021 programme as it looks forward to the return of live performance.
Taking place August 7–29, the Festival will feature more than 170 classical and contemporary music, theatre, opera, dance and spoken word performances, including 15 new commissions and premieres.
As part of the Festival, Scottish Opera will present a new production of Verdi’s Falstaff directed by Sir David McVicar. Other standout events include a new concert staging of Richard Strauss’s Ariadne auf Naxos and a work by the composer Errollyn Wallen, Dido’s Ghost, interweaving the music of Purcell’s original with her music, and starring South African soprano Golda Schultz.
Bregenzer Festspiele vor vollen Rängen möglich
Die Bregenzer Festspiele 2021 können in diesem Jahr ohne Einschränkung der Besucherzahlen stattfinden. Nach den neuen Corona-Regeln der österreichischen Bundesregierung müssten bei allen Produktionen keine Plätze freibleiben, teilten die Veranstalter am Dienstag mit. Zugelassen werden Zuschauer, die geimpft, genesen oder getestet sind.
„Wir haben nun positive Rahmenbedingungen für eine Saison voller künstlerischer Höhepunkte“, sagte Festspielpräsident Hans-Peter Metzler. „Der Boden ist bereitet für das 75-Jahr-Jubiläum der Bregenzer Festspiele und für einen unvergesslichen Sommer“, erklärte Intendantin Elisabeth Sobotka.
Bregenz Festival possible in front of full audience
The Bregenz Festival 2021 will be able to take place this year without limiting the number of visitors. According to the new Corona rules of the Austrian federal government, no seats will have to be left empty for any of the productions, as announced by the organisers on Tuesday. Spectators who are vaccinated, who have recovered or who have been tested will be admitted.
“We now have a positive framework for a season full of artistic highlights,” said Festival President Hans-Peter Metzler. “The foundation has been laid for the 75th anniversary of the Bregenz Festival and for an unforgettable summer,” said artistic director Elisabeth Sobotka.
Le pass sanitaire sera obligatoire à l’Opéra de Paris
Le flou qui entourait le pass sanitaire se dissipe. Ainsi, l’Opéra national de Paris indique désormais sur son site Internet qu’à partir du 15 juin, il sera obligatoire pour accéder aux deux salles puisque de Garnier et Bastille, car même avec une jauge à 65 % telle qu’elle entrera en vigueur le 9 juin, celles-ci peuvent accueillir chacune plus de 1000 spectateurs.
Il faudra donc attester soit d’une vaccination complète (deux doses pour une personne n’ayant jamais contracté le Covid-19), soit d’un résultat négatif à un test PCR ou antigénique de moins de 48h, soit d’avoir été malade et d’être rétabli (en d’autres termes, du résultat d’un test PCR positif de plus de quinze jours et de moins de six mois).
Health pass to be mandatory at the Paris Opera
The uncertainty surrounding the health pass has now faded. The Paris Opera is currently indicating on its website that from 15 June, the pass will be compulsory for getting access to the two halls, Garnier and Bastille. Even with a capacity of 65% as of 9 June, each hall can accommodate more than 1000 spectators.
Therefore, it will be necessary to attest either a complete vaccination (two doses for a person who has never contracted Covid-19), a negative result of a PCR or antigenic test less than 48 hours old, or to have been ill and to have recovered (in other words, the result of a positive PCR test more than fifteen days old and less than six months old).