BFI Southbank launch six-week celebration of film composer Ennio Morricone
Following the death of the great Italian film composer earlier this year, BFI Southbank will be screening the films his music brought to life, including The Good, the Bad and the Ugly and Cinema Paradiso.
As part of its 2020 season, BFI Southbank has announced that it will be hosting a six-week season of 17 films, all scored by the late, great film composer Ennio Morricone.
The films will be screened at BFI Southbank from 19 October to 30 November, and will include The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966), Cinema Paradiso (1988) and the more recent The Hateful Eight (2015), which won Morricone his first Oscar, despite previously receiving five nominations for Best Score.
Morricone died in June this year, and his film scores remain some of the best of all time. He is remembered particularly for his scores for ‘Spaghetti Westerns’, a term he personally disliked.

Verleihung der “OPUS KLASSIK”-Preise 2020 in Berlin
Am Sonntag, 18. Oktober 2020, überträgt das ZDF um 22.15 Uhr die Verleihung des “OPUS KLASSIK 2020” aus dem Konzerthaus Berlin am Gendarmenmarkt. Die Sendung findet in diesem Jahr unter besonderen Vorzeichen statt: der Coronakrise und ihren Auswirkungen auf Künstler und Kultur. Das ZDF hat auf Grundlage der geltenden Verordnungen des Landes Berlin sowie des Konzerthauses ein Hygienekonzept erstellt.
So können bei dem Klassik-Event des Jahres rund 250 Gäste im Publikum live dabei sein. “Die Verleihung soll auch als mediales Forum dienen, das den Blick auch auf die Probleme von Musikerinnen und Musikern in Pandemiezeiten lenkt”, erklärt Tobias Feilen, Leiter der ZDF-Redaktion Musik und Theater. “Dies spiegelt sich besonders in einem Sonderpreis wider, der in diesem Jahr als Publikumspreis vergeben wird.”

Awarding of the “OPUS KLASSIK” prizes 2020 in Berlin
On Sunday, 18 October 2020, ZDF will broadcast the “OPUS KLASSIK 2020” award ceremony from the Konzerthaus Berlin on the Gendarmenmarkt at 10.15 pm. This year’s programme takes place under a special sign: the corona crisis and its effects on artists and culture. ZDF has drawn up a hygiene concept based on the applicable regulations of the State of Berlin and the Konzerthaus.
This means that around 250 guests in the audience can be present live at the classical music event of the year. “The award ceremony is also intended to serve as a media forum that also draws attention to the problems of musicians in pandemic times,” explains Tobias Feilen, head of the ZDF’s Music and Theatre editorial department. “This is particularly reflected in a special prize, which will be awarded this year as an audience award”.
Une femme à la tête de l’Orchestre de chambre du Luxembourg
Si la nouvelle n’a été officialisée qu’hier, Corinna Niemeyer a pris ses fonctions dès le 15 septembre, pour une durée de quatre ans.
Si la direction d’orchestre reste un métier très largement dominé par les hommes, les choses changent peu à peu. On apprend ainsi la nomination, au poste de directrice artistique et musicale de l’Orchestre de Chambre du Luxembourg, de Corinna Niemeyer, dont le contrat a pris effet le 15 septembre dernier, pour une durée de quatre ans.
Bientôt à l’Orchestre national de France
Lauréate de plusieurs concours internationaux de direction d’orchestre (Tokyo International Conducting Competition 2015, Talent Adami Chef d’orchestre en 2014 à Paris…), Corinna Niemeyer a été Chef Assistante à l’Orchestre philharmonique de Rotterdam de 2018 à 2020. Elle collabore avec François-Xavier Roth, au sein des orchestres Les Siècles, de l’Opéra de Cologne et du SWR Sinfonie-Orchester Baden-Baden und Freiburg. Elle a travaillé aussi comme assistante d’Ivan Fischer, Lahav Shani, Yannick Nezet-Séguin et Valery Gergiev. Elle dirigera les musiciens de l’Orchestre national de France et octobre prochain.

A woman at the head of the Luxembourg Chamber Orchestra
Although the news was only made official yesterday, Corinna Niemeyer took up her post on 15 September, for a period of four years.
Although conducting remains a profession largely dominated by men, things are gradually changing. Thus we learn of the appointment of Corinna Niemeyer to the post of artistic and musical director of the Luxembourg Chamber Orchestra, whose contract took effect on 15 September last, for a period of four years.
Coming soon to the Orchestre national de France
Winner of several international conducting competitions (Tokyo International Conducting Competition 2015, Talent Adami Conductor in 2014 in Paris…), Corinna Niemeyer was Assistant Conductor at the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra from 2018 to 2020. She collaborates with François-Xavier Roth, within the orchestras Les Siècles, the Cologne Opera and the SWR Sinfonie-Orchester Baden-Baden und Freiburg. She has also worked as assistant to Ivan Fischer, Lahav Shani, Yannick Nezet-Séguin and Valery Gergiev. She will conduct the musicians of the Orchestre national de France and next October.