
24th September: ‘Mindfulness’ meets music, Keith Harris steps down & Wigglesworth’s ENO

Thursday 24th September 2015

Classical News

In today’s news, The Guardian reports on Rolf Hind’s new opera, Lost in Thought, which is inspired by the benefits of ‘mindfulness’. Also, The Times writes about ‘Mark Wigglesworth: The man trying to rescue ENO’, and Keith Harris steps down as PPL director

The Guardian

Vertical time: where mindfulness and music meet

The practice and proven benefits of ‘mindfulness’ have inspired Rolf Hind to create a new opera, Lost in Thought – perhaps the first ever to be as much a performance as a group meditation

The Times

Mark Wigglesworth: The man trying to rescue ENO

Mark Wigglesworth can be pleased that his tenure as music director at English National Opera is already going better than did his previous stab at running an opera company.

Classic FM

Sir James Galway and Lady Jeanne play Mozart’s Rondo alla Turca

The legendary flautist and his wife turned the Mozart favourite into a fantastic flute duet backstage at Classic FM Live

Classical Music Magazine

Keith Harris to step down as PPL director of performer affairs

Keith Harris is to step down as PPL’s director of performer affairs at the end of 2015

International Arts Manager

San Francisco Opera appoint Shilvock as general director

Matthew Shilvock has been appointed as the new general director of San Francisco Opera(SFO), taking over from David Gockley who will retire in July next year


Musik gegen die blutigen Bilder

Mehr als Kampf und Krieg: das syrische Exilorchester spielte in Bremen vor ausverkauftem Haus. Das Konzert soll nur der Anfang sein – das Ensemble will ab jetzt regelmäßig auftreten.

neue musikzeitung

Studie vorgestellt: Musikwirtschaft ist erheblicher Wirtschaftsfaktor

Es ist ja nicht so, dass die deutsche Wirtschaft nur aus der Automobilbranche besteht. Musik spielt be fast jedem irgendwann am Tag eine gewisse Rolle.

Klassik heute

Clemens Schuldt wird neuer Chefdirigent des Münchener Kammerorchesters

Der 32-jährige gebürtige Bremer, der Alexander Liebreich nachfolgt, tritt sein Amt im Herbst 2016 an; sein Vertrag läuft vorerst bis 2019.

La Croix

A Strasbourg, Francesco Filidei fait sensation avec son premier opéra

Le jeune compositeur italien, né en 1973, atteste d’une inspiration et d’un savoir-faire incontestables en évoquant la figure du dominicain Giordano Bruno.

El Mundo

Deezer lleva la música en streaming a la Bolsa francesa

Deezer calienta los motores para salir a Bolsa. El gigante francés de streaming de música, con más de 6 millones de suscriptores, está listo para su inclusión en el índice Euronext de París para finales de 2015.


Max Richter Finishing the prep for the premiere of SLEEP on on Saturday night. Looking forward to playing the music live!

Classic FMHappy 70th birthday to ! We’re playing his wonderful music all day…

Royal Academy Music is ’s Young Artist of the Week:

News 24th HarrisKeith Harris
Photo: Richard Dawson/PA Images/Classical Music Magazine