Esa-Pekka Salonen awarded honorary knighthood
Conductor Esa-Pekka Salonen has been awarded an honorary knighthood by the UK, for services to music and to UK-Finland relations.
Salonen is his final season as the Philharmonia Orchestra’s Principal Conductor and Artistic Advisor, a post he has held since 2008, though his relationship will continue from the 2021/22 season when he takes on the title of Conductor Emeritus. His 13 years in the post has seen the London-based orchestra embark on pioneering projects in immersive installations and virtual reality, while recordings included Strauss’s Four Last Songs with our former Young Artist of the Year Lise Davidsen, and a recording of Bartók Duke Bluebeard’s Castle, plus a film of Holst’s The Planets.

Bund vergibt Stipendien für klassische Musik
Berlin (MH) – Der Bund startet ein “Stipendienprogramm Klassik” für freischaffende Musiker. Damit könnten rund 1.500 Künstler Hilfen in Höhe von jeweils 6.000 Euro erhalten, teilte Kulturstaatsministerin Monika Grütters (CDU) am Montag mit. Das Programm richte sich an Interpreten von der Alten Musik bis zur frühen Moderne und ergänze ein bereits bestehendes Stipendienprogramm des Musikfonds für zeitgenössische Musik.
Für freischaffende Musiker sei 2020 eine echte Katastrophe gewesen, erklärte Grütters. “Dabei sind gerade sie es, die maßgeblich zur Vielfalt und Innovationskraft unseres Musiklebens beitragen. Damit das auch in Zukunft so bleibt, wollen wir mit diesem Stipendienprogramm Freiräume für neue Ideen und Projekte schaffen.”

The federal government awards grants for classical music
Berlin (MH) – The federal government is launching a “Classical Scholarship Program” for freelance musicians. This means that around 1,500 artists could receive aid amounting to 6,000 euros each, said Minister of State for Culture Monika Grütters (CDU) on Monday. The program is aimed at performers from early music to early modern music and complements an existing scholarship program of the Music Fund for Contemporary Music.
For freelance musicians, 2020 was a real disaster, said Grütters. “It is they who contribute significantly to the diversity and innovative strength of our musical life. To ensure that it stays that way in the future, we want this scholarship program to create space for new ideas and projects.”
Un Noël sous antidépresseurs pour la musique classique
A l’image de l’annus horribilis 2020, les fêtes s’annoncent sinistres. Entre salles fermées pour une durée indéterminée et incompréhensions persistantes quant à la définition des secteurs non essentiels, de nombreux artistes font face à une situation matérielle et morale dramatique. Seules lueurs aux branches du sapin : le soutien public apporté en France à la culture reste d’une ampleur incomparable à celle des autres pays. A condition, pour le classique, de ne pas devoir se contenter de miettes…
Depuis des mois, le gouvernement patauge dans le marigot de l’essentiel et du non essentiel, vocables dont l’emploi fut suggéré par un conseiller en communication qui, osons l’espérer, aura trouvé à exercer depuis ses talents en Terre Adélie suite à une mutation – administrative, pas virale.

A Christmas on antidepressants for classical music
Just like the annus horribilis 2020, the holidays promise to be grim. Between rooms closed for an indefinite period and persistent misunderstandings as to the definition of non-essential sectors, many artists face a dramatic material and moral situation. The only glimmers in the branches of the fir tree: the public support given to culture in France remains on a scale incomparable to that of other countries. Provided, for the classic, not to have to settle for crumbs…
For months, the government has been floundering in the backwater of the essential and the non-essential, terms the use of which was suggested by a communication advisor who, we dare to hope, will have found to exercise since his talents in Terre Adélie following a mutation – administrative, not viral.