BBC launches Experience Classical
Radio 3 and BBC Archive are has launched Experience Classical – a digital experience that aims to provide a new way to discover classical music through audio performances, programmes and podcasts.
Launched with the help of cellist Sheku Kanneh-Mason, his sister and pianist Isata, and Radio 3 broadcaster and composer Hannah Peel, the initiative consists of 600 audio recordings, divided across eight categories to help new listeners explore, from Composers and Instruments to Discovery, Mood and Cutting Edge. In addition, it includes over 400 radio programmes and podcasts – from Composer Of The Week to The Listening Service – to give deeper context and help listeners get more out of the music. All the music, programmes and podcasts will play in BBC Sounds.
BBC Young Composer has also created a curated collection of BBC commissions written by alumni of the BBC Young Composer competition for Experience Classical.

Opéra-Comique: les cinq premières représentations du Bourgeois gentilhomme sont annulées
Cette décision a été prise après qu’un cas de covid-19 a été détecté au sein de l’équipe artistique. La comédie-ballet de Molière et Lully doit être mise en scène par Jérôme Deschamps et dirigée par Marc Minkowski.
Partout en France, les théâtres lyriques ont mis en place des protocoles sanitaires très stricts afin de pouvoir lever le rideau. Malheureusement, les précautions les plus scrupuleuses ne sont pas toujours suffisantes, comme l’a montré il y a quelques jours la mésaventure de l’Opéra de Rouen, forcé d’annuler la première représentation de Tannhäuser, qui aurait dû avoir lieu le 27 septembre, après qu’un cas de covid-19 a été détecté parmi les solistes (les représentations du 30 septembre et 3 octobre sont pour l’instant maintenues).

Opéra-Comique: the first five performances of Le Bourgeois gentilhomme are cancelled
This decision was taken after a case of covid-19 was detected in the artistic team. The comedy-ballet by Molière and Lully is to be directed by Jérôme Deschamps and directed by Marc Minkowski.
All over France, lyric theatres have set up very strict health protocols in order to be able to raise the curtain. Unfortunately, the most scrupulous precautions are not always sufficient, as was shown a few days ago by the misadventure of the Rouen Opera, forced to cancel the first performance of Tannhäuser, which should have taken place on 27 September, after a case of covid-19 was detected among the soloists (the performances of 30 September and 3 October are for the moment being maintained).
Staatstheater Wiesbaden öffnet wieder
Das Staatstheater Wiesbaden nimmt nach dreitägiger Schließung den Spielbetrieb wieder auf. Die Stadt Wiesbaden habe ein geändertes Hygienekonzept genehmigt, teilte das Haus am Montag mit. Ab Dienstag könne das Große Haus vor maximal 298 Zuschauern spielen, das Kleine Haus vor bis zu 77 Personen. Zwischen den gebuchten Sitzplätzen würden jeweils zwei Plätze freigelassen. So halte man einen Abstand von 1,50 Metern in alle Richtungen ein. Das neue Konzept entspreche der Corona-Kontakt-Betriebsbeschränkungsverordnung des Landes Hessen und damit dem momentan geltenden Recht.
Am Freitag hatte das Theater kurzfristig alle Vorstellungen bis zum Sonntag abgesagt. Zur Begründung hieß es, das Hessische Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst habe die Aufführungen untersagt.

Wiesbaden State Theatre opens again
The Wiesbaden State Theatre resumes its performance after three days of closure. The city of Wiesbaden had approved a modified hygiene concept, the theatre announced on Monday. From Tuesday, the Big House can play in front of a maximum of 298 spectators, the Small House in front of up to 77 people. Two seats were left free between the seats booked. In this way, a distance of 1.50 metres was maintained in all directions. The new concept complies with the Corona Contact Operating Restrictions Ordinance of the State of Hesse and thus with the law currently in force.
On Friday the theatre had cancelled all performances at short notice until Sunday. The reason given was that the Hessian Ministry for Science and Art had prohibited the performances.