
19th January: Faber Music Bursaries widen access to Summer School, Dogs sniff out possible COVID 19 infection of Vienna Boys’ Choir, Brexit: a disaster for British musicians

Tuesday 19th January 2021

Faber Music Bursaries widen access to Sound and Music Summer School

Ten young people who face financial barriers to participation will be able to attend the summer school for young composers, thanks to a partnership between Faber Music and Sound and Music.
Provided by independent publishers Faber Music, the bursaries will cover the full cost of a place on the Sound and Music Summer School 2021 for ten young composers and music creators aged 14-18.

The bursaries have been created to ensure that young people from all backgrounds have more opportunities to learn composition and develop their skills.

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Hunde erschnüffeln mögliche Corona-Infektion von Wiener Sängerknaben

Die Wiener Sängerknaben haben Spürhunden des österreichischen Heeres geholfen, mögliche Corona-Infektionen zu erschnüffeln. Bei den rund 130 jungen Sängern und ihren Betreuern wurden nach Angaben vom Montag zunächst PCR-Tests gemacht. Die Mitglieder des weltberühmten Knabenchors mussten zudem für rund zehn Minuten Masken aufsetzen. Diese Masken wurden in einem luftdichten Behälter dem Militärhundezentrum überreicht.

Sobald die PCR-Resultate vorliegen, dürfen die beiden Spürhunde „Fantasy Forever“ und „Piet“ die Masken beschnüffeln. Die Trefferquote der Tiere kann dann mit den offiziellen Testergebnissen abgeglichen werden.

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Dogs sniff out possible COVID 19 infection of Vienna Boys’ Choir

The Vienna Boys’ Choir have helped sniffer dogs of the Austrian army to sniff out possible COVID 19 infections. According to information from Monday, PCR tests were first carried out on the approximately 130 young singers and their tutors. The members of the world-famous boys’ choir also had to put on masks for about ten minutes. These masks were handed over to the Military Dog Centre in an airtight container.

As soon as the PCR results are available, the two sniffer dogs “Fantasy Forever” and “Piet” are allowed to sniff the masks. The hit rate of the animals can then be compared with the official test results.

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Le Brexit, une catastrophe pour les musiciens britanniques

Depuis le 1er janvier, fini la libre circulation entre le continent européen et le Royaume-Uni : les artistes britanniques ont désormais besoin d’un permis de travail pour se déplacer et travailler dans chaque Etat membre. Ce n’est sans doute pas un hasard si le plus illustre musicien de sa gracieuse majesté – Simon Rattle – vient d’obtenir un passeport allemand.

Simon Rattle avait prévenu, en février dernier : dans une interview donnée à l’AFP le chef du London Symphony Orchestra expliquait qu’en cas d’absence d’accord spécifique conclu entre le gouvernement Johnson et Bruxelles, la sortie de l’Union européenne (UE) allait causer des difficultés pratiques immenses aux orchestres anglais. Nous y sommes, et les solistes ne sont pas épargnés.

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Brexit, a disaster for British musicians

Since 1 January, the free movement between the European continent and the United Kingdom is over: British artists now need a work permit to move and work in each Member State. It is probably no coincidence that the most illustrious musician of his gracious majesty – Simon Rattle – has just obtained a German passport.

Simon Rattle had warned last February: in an interview with AFP the conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra explained that in the absence of a specific agreement between the Johnson government and Brussels, leaving the European Union (EU) would cause immense practical difficulties for English orchestras. Here we are, and soloists are not spared.

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