Facebook to allow artists to charge for livestreams

Facebook has announced plans to implement a range of new features, including the facility for artists and other creators to charge for livestreams.
The news on livestreams was part of a wider announcement on providing users with more ways to connect during the Covid-19 lockdown.
“To support creators and small businesses, we plan to add the ability for Pages to charge for access to events with Live videos on Facebook – anything from online performances to classes to professional conferences,” said the company.Facebook has not revealed when the feature will be introduced.
Coronavirus: Mailänder Scala will im September wieder öffnen
Das Mailänder Teatro alla Scala plant seine Wiedereröffnung für September. Nach der Corona-Pandemie soll unter der Leitung von Riccardo Chailly das Requiem vom Giuseppe Verdi aufgeführt werden. Als Sänger sind u.a. Francesco Meli und Krassmira Stoyanova eingeplant. Intendant Dominique Meyer bezeichnete den Neustart des Hauses als wichtiges Zeichen für Mailand, Italien und die ganze Welt, denn das Konzert ist den Todesopfern des Virus gewidmet. Daher soll es auch in Bergamo und Brescia, den beiden am stärksten von der Pandemie betroffenen Städten, wiederholt werden. In Italien sind in den vergangenen Monaten über 27.000 Menschen an den Auswirkungen des Coronavirus verstorben.

Coronavirus: Milan’s Scala to reopen in September
Milan’s Teatro alla Scala is planning to reopen in September. After the Corona pandemic, a performance of Giuseppe Verdi’s Requiem is planned under the direction of Riccardo Chailly. Francesco Meli and Krassmira Stoyanova, among others, are planned as singers. Director Dominique Meyer described the new start of the house as an important sign for Milan, Italy and the whole world, because the concert is dedicated to the victims of the virus. Therefore, it will be repeated in Bergamo and Brescia, the two cities most affected by the pandemic. In Italy over 27,000 people have died in recent months from the effects of the corona virus.
Décès du grand violoncelliste Lynn Harrell à l’âge de 76 ans
Le grand violoncelliste américain Lynn Harrell est décédé ce lundi 27 avril à l’âge de 76 ans. C’est son épouse, la violoniste Helen Nightengale, qui a annoncé la triste nouvelle sur sa page Facebook. Lynn Harrell jouait sur un violoncelle Montagnana de 1720 mais possédait également un Stradivarius de 1673 qui appartenait auparavant à Jacqueline du Pré. Lynn Harrell a aussi enseigné le violoncelle dans les plus prestigieuses écoles de musique, dont la Royal Academy de Londres, le Cleveland Institute of Music et la Juilliard School. Le violoncelliste Lynn Harrell, considéré comme l’un des plus grands violoncellistes de la fin du XXe siècle, est décédé ce lundi 27 avril à l’âge de 76 ans, 13 ans jour pour jour après un autre très grand violoncelliste, Mstislav Rostropovitch, lui aussi décédé un 27 avril, en 2007.

Death of the great cellist Lynn Harrell at age 76
The great American cellist Lynn Harrell passed away this Monday, April 27 at the age of 76. It was his wife, violinist Helen Nightengale, who announced the sad news on her Facebook page. Lynn Harrell played on a 1720 Montagnana cello but also owned a 1673 Stradivarius which previously belonged to Jacqueline du Pré. Lynn Harrell also taught cello at the most prestigious music schools, including the Royal Academy of London, the Cleveland Institute of Music and the Juilliard School. Cellist Lynn Harrell, considered one of the greatest cellists of the late 20th century, passed away this Monday, April 27 at the age of 76, 13 years to the day after another great cellist, Mstislav Rostropovitch, also passed away on April 27, 2007.