French festival in memory of Ivry Gitlis to take place in July
This year’s Colmar International Festival in Colmar, France, will honour the life and work of Israeli violinist Ivry Gitlis, who died last year at the age of 98.
Artists including Maxim Vengerov, Renaud Capucon and Vadim Gluzman are among those who will perform some of Gitlis’s most treasured works. Elsewhere, Viktoria Mullova will play Sibelius’s Violin Concerto with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia, who will also join 18-year-old Swedish violinist Daniel Lozakovich for a performance of Brahms’s Concerto. Vladimir Spivakov, the festival’s artistic director, will conduct.

Bayern verschiebt geplante Öffnungen im Kulturbereich
Bayern verschiebt die geplanten Öffnungsschritte unter anderem für Kulturveranstaltungen um zwei Wochen. Auch die Modellprojekte in Theater‑, Konzert- und Opernhäusern werden bis zum 26. April ausgesetzt, sagte Ministerpräsident Markus Söder (CSU) am Mittwoch nach einer Kabinettssitzung in München. Gleiches gelte für geplante Öffnungen in Außengastronomie und Sport in Landkreisen oder Städten mit niedrigen Corona-Infektionszahlen.
In Bayern sollten nach den Osterferien abhängig von den Inzidenzen weitere Öffnungsschritte unter anderem für die Kultur erfolgen. Das hatte das Kabinett vor zwei Wochen beschlossen.

Bavaria postpones planned openings for the culture sector
Bavaria is postponing the planned openings for cultural events by two weeks. As a result, scheduled pilot projects in theatres, concert halls and opera houses will also be suspended until 26 April, said Minister-President Markus Söder (CSU) on Wednesday after a cabinet meeting in Munich. The same applies to planned openings for outdoor restaurants and sports in counties or cities with low coronavirus infection rates, he added.
Likewise, in Bavaria, further opening steps involving the cultural sector should have occurred after the Easter holidays, depending on the level of cases. This decision to step back was decided by the cabinet two weeks ago.
Plus de 60 élus locaux réclament des perspectives pour la culture
Dans une lettre ouverte adressée au président de la République, 61 maires de grandes villes, présidents d’agglomérations et de métropoles demandent à Emmanuel Macron d’anticiper la « sortie de crise culturelle ».
« Dans notre pays, la culture constitue de fait un bien essentiel et doit s’apprécier comme telle », écrivent ces 61 élus, membres de l’association France urbaine, parmi lesquels les maires de toutes les grandes métropoles française — Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Marseille, Nantes, Strasbourg, Toulouse… Et s’ils « constat[ent] chaque jour sur [leurs] territoires [que] l’épidémie est toujours présente et [que] la situation sanitaire exige plus que jamais notre mobilisation collective », ils notent aussi que « les occupations d’établissements culturels se multiplient », et craignent « que la très grande détresse des professionnels de la Culture, de plus en plus vive chaque jour, se mue progressivement en amertume puis en colère ».

More than 60 local elected representatives call for answers on the future of the culture sector
In an open letter addressed to the President of the Republic, 61 mayors and presidents of large cities, have asked Emmanuel Macron to anticipate the “end of the cultural crisis”.
“In our country, culture is in fact an essential asset and must be appreciated as such,” writes these 61 elected officials, members of the France Urbane association, including the mayors of all the major French cities – Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Marseille, Nantes, Strasbourg, Toulouse, etc. While they “note every day in [their] territories [that] the epidemic is still present and [that] the health situation requires our collective mobilisation more than ever”, they also note that “the occupations of cultural establishments are multiplying”, and fear “that the great distress of cultural professionals, which is becoming more acute every day, will gradually turn into bitterness and then anger”.