Florence Price: Forgotten work by pioneering composer rediscovered
A forgotten work by the pioneering composer Florence Price has been rediscovered and performed for the first time in nearly 80 years.
Price made history in 1933 when she became the first African-American woman to have a symphony performed by a major US orchestra, in Chicago.
But her work faded into obscurity after her death in 1953.
Much of it was thought to be lost, until a cache of music was found in her former summer house in Chicago in 2009. Musicologist Samantha Ege has spent the past two years trawling through those archives to reconstruct her solo piano pieces. Among them was Fantasie Nègre No 3 in F Minor, which was long presumed to be incomplete.

Georg Solti Conducting Award für Dirigentin Gemma New
Die neuseeländische Dirigentin Gemma New ist als Preisträgerin für den Georg Solti Conducting Award ausgewählt worden. Die Stiftung ehrt damit zum zwölften Mal einen vielversprechenden Dirigenten unter 38 Jahren. Die Auszeichnung ist mit 30.000 US-Dollar (rund 25.200 Euro) dotiert, das Geld soll der Weiterbildung des Preisträgers zugutekommen.
Die Findungskommission beeindruckte vor allem News Talent und ihre Entwicklung in den vergangenen Jahren, die Dirigentin hatte bereits mehrfach den kleinen Career Assistance Award der Solti Foundation erhalten.

Georg Solti Conducting Award for Gemma New
The New Zealand conductor Gemma New has been selected as the winner of the Georg Solti Conducting Award. This is the twelfth time the foundation has honoured a promising conductor under the age of 38. The award is endowed with 30,000 US dollars (about 25,200 euros), the money is to be used for the further education of the prize-winner.
The selection committee was particularly impressed by News’ talent and her development in recent years. The conductor had already received the Solti Foundation’s small Career Assistance Award several times.
Dimitri Bachkirov, grand pianiste et pédagogue, nous a quittés
“On n’en fera plus, des gens comme lui” : Dimitri Bachkirov, grand pianiste et pédagogue, nous a quittés. Dimitri Bachkirov s’est éteint ce dimanche à 89 ans. “Il fait partie des pédagogues les plus légendaires du XXe siècle”, confie à France Musique David Kadouch, qui fut son élève.
C’est un pianiste et pédagogue de génie qui nous quitte. Dimitri Bachkirov, professeur hors pair à la carrière exceptionnelle, s’est éteint ce dimanche à l’âge de 89 ans, apprend-t-on dans la presse russe. Il laisse derrière lui une génération d’étudiants brillants, et deux enfants, dont la pianiste Elena Bashkirova.

Dimitri Bachkirov, great pianist and pedagogue, has passed away
Dimitri Bachkirov passed away this Sunday at the age of 89. “He is one of the most legendary pedagogues of the 20th century,” said David Kadouch, who was his pupil, to France Musique.
It is a pianist and genious pedagogue who is leaving us. Dimitri Bachkirov, an outstanding teacher with an exceptional career, passed away this Sunday at the age of 89, according to the Russian press. He leaves behind him a generation of brilliant students and two children, including the pianist Elena Bashkirova.